Tips and tricks

What to do if you cant understand your professors accent?

What to do if you cant understand your professors accent?

If you can’t comprehend the verbal lesson, read the visual one. If you email the professor — wait for it — his response will not have an accent! Voila! You can email your notes, ask him for corrections where you were lost in translation and there you have it!

How do you read a teacher’s accent?

Adjusting to a Teacher’s Accent

  1. Give the professor a chance.
  2. If the professor speaks too fast, get together with your classmates and ask if the professor can slow down.
  3. Use supplemental course material such as that found on to help you understand the class.
  4. Keep going to class.

Is it bad to make a lecturer self-conscious about his accent?

Even if the lecturer does not think you are being purposefully hurtful, making a lecturer self-conscious about his accent might make him an even worse lecturer (of course, it could help, depending on his personality).

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What can a tutor say to a lecturer when students are not understanding?

Alternatively, the tutor could say to the lecturer that several students are not understanding and he/she would like to recommend some reading materials and could the lecturer provide the tutor with something for each topic. As a lecturer who tries to make the courses understandable to students, I find this situation horrifying.

What are the pros and cons of being a university lecturer?

The benefits of being a university lecturer will, for the right person, far outweigh the negatives. The idea of being able to shape young minds, work on subjects you love and have the opportunity for real research is exciting. It’s no wonder academia is something that those with the gift for teaching and learning want to work in.

How can I make my professor understand me better in class?

Get the professor to write extensive slides, which he can use in class. Many professors just read slides they preprepared for the lecture anyway, and this is the best thing a professor such as this can do to increase his understandability. Get transferred to, or just start attending, other currently ongoing versions of this class.