
What team would Thor have been on in civil war?

What team would Thor have been on in civil war?

team Iron Man
Thor with such guilt after knowing the Infinity stones and destruction of Earth and Asgard he would have been on team Iron Man to do what’s right in order to save people from the Avengers’ accidental mistakes.

Who would Thor side with in civil war Reddit?

Even a cursory look at their character history and motivation and powers suggests Thor would side with Cap and Banner would side with Tony.

Who sides with who in civil war?

Fact #1: The Civil War was fought between the Northern and the Southern states from 1861-1865. The American Civil War was fought between the United States of America and the Confederate States of America, a collection of eleven southern states that left the Union in 1860 and 1861.

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Why was Thor excluded from civil war?

Thor was noticeably absent from Civil War both due to his power set and his likely ability to bring his two friends to peace and understanding if he was involved.

Who sided with Captain America?

Falcon, Bucky, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, and Ant-Man all stand firmly with Steve, while Rhodes, Vision, Black Panther, and Spider-Man are with Iron Man. While some heroes have been driven by their loyalty to Steve and Tony, others are following their consciences or seeking revenge.

Why was Thor not in Captain America Civil War?

Moving into the MCU, there was no real reason why Thor was not involved in Captain America: Civil War from a story point of view. The movie took place after Avengers: Age of Ultron, and at the end of that film, Thor returned to Asgard to figure out what was causing recent events in the MCU.

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What happened to Thor in the MCU?

Thor is the most powerful of the Avengers, and putting him on one side or the other would have been uneven without also bringing in Hulk, which the MCU chose not to do. Instead, Thor appeared in a humorous short, showing he was living with a new roommate named Darryl in Australia.

What happened to Goliath in Civil War?

In the pages of Civil War #4, Ragnarok proved he did not fight with dignity or honor when he struck down Bill Foster and murdered the hero known as Goliath. It was ruthless and horrific as Ragnarok shot a blast straight through Goliath’s chest.