
What Targaryen was Olenna supposed to marry?

What Targaryen was Olenna supposed to marry?

History. Olenna was betrothed to Prince Daeron Targaryen when they were both nine, but she claims she did everything she could to make sure it never came to fruition.

Why was Highgarden sacked?

With the Lannister armies heavily depleted from the War of the Five Kings due to fighting Stannis and Robb Stark, Cersei planned to have Highgarden sacked and plundered of its grain and wealth to feed the Lannister armies. Furthermore, the crown owed a tremendous debt to the Iron Bank of Braavos.

How did House Tyrell fall so easily?

Since it’s fiction, I guess it’s because HBO wanted to even the odds for House Lannister. The biggest reason why House Tyrell lost is because the Lannisters somehow magically acquired all troop movements of Daenerys’s forces but masked their own.

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What happened to Olenna Tyrell in Game of Thrones?

After most of her family are killed in the destruction of the Great Sept of Baelor, an event orchestrated by Cersei Lannister, Olenna’s desire for vengeance leads her to pledge House Tyrell’s forces to Daenerys Targaryen. However, when Daenerys sends her forces to take Casterly Rock, Jaime Lannister ‘s army sacks Highgarden.

Is Olenna Tyrell related to Lord Luthor?

Olenna Tyrell was the widow of Lord Luthor Tyrell and the mother of Mace Tyrell, the former Lord of Highgarden, Warden of the South, Lord Paramount of the Reach, and head of House Tyrell. She was the grandmother of his children, Loras and Margaery.

How does Lady Olenna react to House Tyrell’s sigil and motto?

Olenna is disappointed but unsurprised at the revelation. A few days later, Lady Olenna is in the company of some other granddaughters, one of whom shows her some embroidery depicting House Tyrell’s sigil and motto and asks if she likes it.

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What does Daenerys tell Tywin about the Tyrells?

She chides Tywin Lannister that the Tyrells are paying half of the cost of the extravagant wedding and that the Lannisters may need to turn to the Tyrells for financial support again, due to the crown’s increasing war debts, particularly to the Iron Bank of Braavos.