Tips and tricks

What sword can kill White Walkers?

What sword can kill White Walkers?

Also known as obsidian, dragonglass is a volcanic glass that has proved very handy for killing White Walkers. You might remember Samwell Tarly first came to this realisation when he saved Gilly from a White Walker — earning him the (slightly sarcastic) nickname “Sam the Slayer”.

What kind of steel kill White Walkers?

Valyrian steel
But White Walkers seem to be able to walk through it unscathed. Swords made of Valyrian steel (which are forged with dragon fire, according to legend) can kill them.

Why can Valyrian steel kill White Walkers?

These two gods are polar opposite of each other and are eternal enemies. Valyrian steel, being forged of dragon-fire, which is a power of the Lord of Light, can kill White Walkers, the army of the Great Other.

How White Walkers can be killed?

They can be killed by being set on fire or stabbed with either dragonglass or Valyrian steel. But the easiest way to wipe out huge swaths of wights is to kill the White Walker that created them in the first place so they’ll all drop dead (or re-dead) immediately.

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Why did mormont give Jon longclaw?

Jeor Mormont gave the sword to Jon Snow as a gift for saving his life when they were attacked by wights in Season 1. The Lord Commander even had the original pommel (which was carved into a bear, for House Mormont) replaced with a new one resembling a wolf for House Stark.

What are the best swords to kill the White Walkers?

Regular steel swords can damage the undead, but even dismembered, wights can continue to fight. Only Dragonglass, fire, and Valyrian steel seem to be effective against the minions of the White Walkers.

What can kill the White Walkers?

But there are two known substances that can kill White Walkers: Dragonglass and Valyrian steel. The latter is forged into a handful of swords that are scattered among the Great Houses of Westeros. The former is a tough-to-find rock that not a lot of people know about.

Is dragonglass the only way to kill a White Walker?

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For a while, it seemed to the Jon Snow (Kit Harrington), Sam and the rest of the Night’s Watch that Dragonglass was the only way to kill a White Walker, and weapons made of the stuff were in extremely short supply.

How strong are the White Walkers on ‘Game of Thrones’?

Season 7 of “Game of Thrones” will have plenty of battles, including more spats with the Night King and his White Walkers, a group of monster ice people that lead an army of the undead. White Walkers are pretty close to unkillable, but a few characters on the show have bested them.