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What startups use Python?

What startups use Python?

Giants like Google, Facebook, Reddit, Spotify, Netflix, IBM, Instagram, and Dropbox all have major dependencies on Python. And many fast-rising startups have Python in their tech stack, too, including TravelPerk, Festicket, and 21 Buttons.

What big tech companies use Python?

Python is used by Intel, IBM, NASA, Pixar, Netflix, Facebook, JP Morgan Chase, Spotify, and a number of other massive companies. It’s one of the four main languages at Google, while Google’s YouTube is largely written in Python. Same with Reddit, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Which industry uses Python?

From industries like finance, healthcare, and insurance, to fields like aerospace to entertainment — Python-based tech is driving innovation and new solutions. In our What is Python 101 guide, we introduced Python as well as a few of the fields Python is used in such as tech, finance, and biotech.

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Can you create a startup with Python?

Python is an excellent choice for startups and tech companies as it is a perfect fit for minimum viable product (MVP) development and is highly scalable. Below you will read more about the pros of using this programming language for startups.

Why do businesses use Python?

Python improves work for everyone Out of the box, Python allows users to store, access, and manipulate data. It also has a huge and growing ecosystem with a variety of open-source packages and libraries. Python is useful for almost every industry, including healthcare, finance, technology, consulting.

What are the big companies that use Python?

Some of the big companies which use Python are Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Stripe, Spotify, Reddit, Uber, Dropbox. Conclusion From this blog, we have analyzed that these top innovative companies have applications built with Python.

Which companies use Python for backend web development?

Several successful tech companies are choosing Python for backend web development. Some of the big companies which use Python are Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Stripe, Spotify, Reddit, Uber, Dropbox. From this blog, we have analyzed that these top innovative companies have apps built with Python.

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What are some good examples of Python used in everyday life?

Netflix is a great example of the classic use of Python. Netflix prefers Python because of its vast ecosystem of vetted tools that keep their system going. Netflix is a pretty big company, with 140 million users, lots of systems are running.

Which companies use Python language in association with Django?

Instagram is a photo and video-sharing social media or networking platform possessed by Facebook, Inc. It is one of the most renowned companies who use Python language in association with Django and in recent times, it has adopted Python 3. Its ‘Stories’ feature is utilized by approx 500 million active users daily, as reported in January 2019.