What should you do if someone is following you too closely?

What should you do if someone is following you too closely?

If another vehicle is following you too closely, you should: Tap your brakes gently, slow down, and let them pass. Drive slowly and make sure they can’t pass you.

How do you reduce tailgating?

Brake slowly before stopping. Avoid tailgaters when possible by changing lanes. If you cannot change lanes, slow down enough to encourage the tailgater to go around you. If this does not work, pull off the road when safe and let the tailgater pass.

Why is tailgating bad?

Tailgating can be dangerous to the tailgater, especially if they are driving closely behind a large vehicle (such as a tractor-trailer, or gas tanker). By tailgating, the driver has a shorter distance to stop, decreases the margin of error and blocks the awareness of surroundings.

Why do I get tailgated?

There are many reasons why people tailgate. In some cases it’s a bullying tactic – the tailgater might want to intimidate you and get you to move out of their way for example. Or it could be that they’re in a hurry. Sometimes it might just be that a driver has ‘switched off’ and isn’t paying attention to the road.

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What to do if someone is tailgating you on the road?

If you are in the travel lane, reduce your speed until the tailgater decides to pass. If you are in the passing lane, move to the travel lane as soon as it is safe. If you are on a two-lane road, maintain your speed.

Should you hold up a tailgater or let them pass?

“It can be tempting to hold them up, however, this will only further frustrate the tailgater and it’s just not worth it as the situation could escalate into road rage.” So pulling over and letting an aggressive tailgater pass is the best thing to do to diffuse the situation.

What should you do if someone tailgates you in Leicester?

Jonathan Clarkson, spokesperson for the Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Road Safety Partnership, told us what their official advice is. He said: “If you’re faced with a tailgater as soon as you can, and it’s safe to do so, let them pass.

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What happens if you get tailgated by a car with road rage?

If you’re being tailgated, it can be hard not to let their road rage creep up on you – not to mention that it can be dangerous, too. Drivers are meant to leave a proper gap between their vehicle and the one in front, which is 2 seconds long or one yard for every mph.