
What should we do during a hurricane?

What should we do during a hurricane?

Stay inside and keep away from all windows, skylights and glass doors. Go to a safe area, such as an interior room, closet or downstairs bathroom. Never go outside the protection of your home or shelter before there is confirmation that the storm has passed the area.

What should you do before a hurricane hits?

10 Steps to Prepare for a Hurricane

  1. Make a plan. If evacuation is necessary, turn off all utilities and follow community disaster preparedness plans.
  2. Secure the exterior.
  3. Install storm shutters.
  4. Check wall hangings and art.
  5. Move your cars.
  6. Power up.
  7. Unplug appliances.
  8. Store important documents.

Where is the safest place to be during a hurricane?

During a Hurricane The safest place to be in a hurricane, if flooding is not a risk for your particular home, is the basement. If you do not have a basement, get to an internal room as far away from windows as possible. This protects you from broken glass or debris getting blown at you.

Where do you evacuate during a hurricane?


  • If possible, evacuate to the home of either friends or family in a non-vulnerable area within your county or parish.
  • Next, try a hotel.
  • As a last result, go to a public shelter.
  • Remember, shelters are not designed for comfort and do not usually accept pets.
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Why do you fill bathtub during hurricane?

If a hurricane is likely in your area, you should: Fill the bathtub with water to be used for toilet flushing during a loss of power. If your well is flooded or damaged by the hurricane, assume that it is contaminated and do not use it until it has been flushed, disinfected and tested for bacteria.

What should you do before during and after a hurricane?

Build or restock an emergency preparedness kit. Be sure to include key items like a flashlight, batteries, cash and first aid supplies. Bring in items, such as outdoor furniture, that the wind can blow away. Have drinking water ready for use.

Should you go upstairs during a hurricane?

Experts say stay away from windows, doors The safest place to be in your home to be during Hurricane Irma is on the lowest floor. Experts say you need to be in an interior room of your home and away from any windows, sliding glass doors or skylights.

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What do you do in a hurricane evacuation?


  1. Stay alert to storm advisories by using your NOAA weather radio.
  2. Enact your family disaster plan.
  3. Map out your route.
  4. Fill your car with gasoline.
  5. Enact your pet plan.
  6. Bring your disaster supply kit.
  7. Secure your home before leaving.
  8. Have some cash handy.

When should you evacuate during a hurricane?

Hurricane Warning = Hurricane conditions are expected within 24 hours. If You Have to Evacuate When should you evacuate? If you are staying in a storm surge zone or flood zone, leave as soon as a hurricane watch is issued.

Is it OK to drink bath water?

There is absolutely no danger from drinking bath water. Just consider this: bath water is just plain tap water if the bath has not been used. It is perfectly potable water exactly what you get from the taps. Even if the bath water is used, it is only water plus a bit of soap lather, not harmful to your body.

What to do before, during, and after a hurricane?

Build or restock an emergency preparedness kit.

  • Bring in items,such as outdoor furniture,that the wind can blow away.
  • Have drinking water ready for use.
  • Be sure to keep your primary vehicle in good working condition and keep the gas tank full.
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    What do you need before a hurricane occurs?

    Make sure your windows are protected, and your home is secured. This may mean putting up hurricane shutters, which should be done in the days before a hurricane is coming. Fill your bathtubs. Use a website or app to determine the elevation of the property where you’re staying.

    What are some safety tips for a hurricane?

    Hurricane safety tips: Learn what to do before, during and after a hurricane. Clear loose and clogged rain gutters and downspouts. Reinforce your garage doors; if wind enters a garage it can cause dangerous and expensive structural damage. Plan to bring in all outdoor furniture, decorations, garbage cans and anything else that is not tied down.

    What to do if you are vacationing during a hurricane?

    Follow these tips for staying safe in your home during a hurricane: Stay inside and away from windows, skylights, and glass doors. If flooding threatens your home, turn off electricity at the main breaker. If you lose power, turn off major appliances such as the air conditioner and water heater to reduce damage.