What should not be studied for UPSC?

What should not be studied for UPSC?

What not to Study for IAS?

  • Bollywood and all the other “filmwoods”- Don’t spend time remembering the pet names of actresses, music director’s uncles’ names, gossips, latest flops and masala stories.
  • Sports – Don’t spend time remembering all the centuries of Sachin, sixes hit by Gayle, IPL purple caps etc.

What should I not read for prelims?

List of what not to study for UPSC

  • You should avoid sports news.
  • Business news not related to the UPSC syllabus.
  • Avoid criminal news even if it is capturing headlines.
  • Don’t read small and irrelevant regional/state/local news.
  • Avoid Bollywood and other entertainment news.

How many hours IAS aspirant sleep?

The optimal sleep time is a minimum of six hours and a maximum of 7 hours.

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When should you consider adopting a dog?

If You’re Considering Adopting a Dog: Loyal and loving, dogs are social animals who thrive on being upstanding members of their families. Expand to read more. If there are young children in your home, a puppy may not be your best bet. You may want to consider adopting a medium-sized dog over five months of age.

Should I enroll my puppy in a puppy class?

All puppies should be enrolled in a puppy class where part of the time is devoted to monitored play with other dogs. Basic manners classes can also help adult dogs brush up on their skills or new learn ones. America’s shelters are filled with pit bull-type dogs.

What happens when you don’t adopt a dog from a shelter?

When someone is denied the chance to adopt a dog at a particular shelter, they are more than likely to go elsewhere — including a puppy-mill-fed pet store.

Should you adopt a pit bull or a cat?

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However, that shouldn’t deter you from adopting a pit bull-type dog. Just make sure you know your rights and limitations before you adopt. Cats are known to be graceful, athletic, playful, sensitive and affectionate. Make sure everyone in the house is prepared to have a cat. Cats can be very independent.