
What should I reply instead of I Love You Too?

What should I reply instead of I Love You Too?

Sweet Responses To ‘I Love You’

  • ‘I’m crazy about you!
  • ‘Sometimes I feel like my heart will burst with happiness when you say those three words!
  • ‘You are the best thing that ever happened to me.
  • ‘You complete me.
  • ‘If I could say how much I love you in mere words, I might be able to talk more.

What is the difference between I love you too and I love you too?

I love you too = I + other people love you. I love you too = I love + other actions to you. I love you too = I love you + other people. I love you too = I love you in the same manner as someone else loves you.

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What is the difference between saying I love you and I love you too?

It makes us speaking these words authentic, makes love as meaningful as the first time we were nervous and anxious about saying it. When we stop using “I love you” as a response and forgo adding “too” it means that we are saying I love you because we are acting on our own thoughts, not reacting to another’s.

When a man say I love you What does it means?

Men say “I love you” when they mean, “I think you’re wonderful.” Or, “right this minute I am so happy being next to you and being with you.” It is a statement of a really strong positive feeling. Someone who truly has such a feeling before or in the middle of sex may not feel that way a few hours later.

How do you say more than love?

15 Words That Are Stronger Than ‘Love’ And Mean Far More

  1. Devotion – I am devoted to you.
  2. Dedication – I am dedicated to our friendship.
  3. Faith – I have faith in you.
  4. Commitment – I am committed to you.
  5. Proud – I’m so proud of you.
  6. Cherish – I cherish my time with you.
  7. Respect – I respect your opinions.
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Why do people say I love you instead of love?

It’s possible that some people express an abbreviated “love you” because they believe it’s a reflective belief and that they intentionally lower the bar on expressing it. This means they may think love is the most natural thing in the world, and that the more they express it, the better the world might look.

How do you respond to “I Love you More”?

You can honestly just respond with emojis or a gifs. You don’t always have to have the last say. That response “I love you more” is cute and perfect. Leave it at that, to send a quick imessage reaction (if you have an iPhone). It is beautiful when someone says sweet things like that. Cherish the moment, don’t do too much.

What happens when you stop using “I Love You” as a response?

When we stop using “I love you” as a response and forgo adding “too” it means that we are saying I love you because we are acting on our own thoughts, not reacting to another’s. Cut the “too” our of your “I love you’s.”

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How to respond to I Love you in a sweet way?

Here is a list of 25 perfect responses to I love you to people who you love back, and for people who you do not feel that way about: When you love the person, your responses to I love you must be sweet, affirming and must make them smile. Here are a few responses to I love you, and why they are sweet: 01 “I love you more.”

Do You Say “I Love you Too” to someone you don’t love?

I tend to say “love you too” when I am responding to someone I don’t really love. I usually tend to say “love you” to someone I don’t love in a romantic way, but in a friend or familial way. I prefer to save the “I love you” for someone I am truly in love with or when I am really expressing admiration to someone.