
What should I put on my GitHub account?

What should I put on my GitHub account?

Here are a few tips to create a more attractive profile in GitHub…

  1. Update the code constantly. Recruiters check, not only the content, but also the activity of your GitHub account.
  2. Write clean, commented, and well-organized code.
  3. Use Github Pages.
  4. Work as a team.
  5. Contribute.

Is GitHub a good place to store code?

GitHub and BitBucket are the two most famous places to store your code. Both these provides us public as well as private repositories. Public repositories are free and can be accessed by anyone whereas private are paid and can only be accessed if you know the credentials.

Should I Memorise code?

So for useful bits of code, it is helpful to memorise them. It would be best if you remembered the basic syntax, logic structures, and core functions in the language you use, as well as a couple of methods in the most used libraries, along with basic algorithms that you end up frequently using, etc.

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Do people code in GitHub?

But while you’ve been able to store your code on GitHub, you couldn’t actually run it. For that you needed a web server or a cloud service. But today at its annual GitHub Universe event, the company announced that will now enable programmers to run certain types of software on its platform.

What should I put on GitHub?

You can put up anything on Github as long as it complies with their community standards (basically nothing obscene, highly offensive, or illegal). In fact, you should put up everything that shows even a modicum of marketable skills.

How do I make changes to the code base on GitHub?

Follow the steps below to get comfortable making changes to the code base, opening up a pull request (PR), and merging code into the primary branch. Any important git and GitHub terms are in bold with links to the official git reference materials. The first two things you’ll want to do are install git and create a free GitHub account.

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How do I create a GitHub account?

To create your account, you need to go to GitHub ‘s website and fill out the registration form. Now we need to install Git’s tools on our computer. We’ll use CLI to communicate with GitHub. First, update your packages. 2. Next, install Git and GitHub with apt-get 3. Finally, verify that Git is installed correctly 4.

Do I need to use GitHub to create a new repo?

If you only want to keep track of your code locally, you don’t need to use GitHub. But if you want to work with a team, you can use GitHub to collaboratively modify the project’s code. To create a new repo on GitHub, log in and go to the GitHub home page. You should see a green ‘+ New repository’ button: