
What should I do if I find an artifact?

What should I do if I find an artifact?

Leave the artifact where you found it. Please don’t pick it up, move it, throw it, put it in your pocket or your bag, or bury it. Note where you are. Snap a picture of the artifact where you found it.

What should an archaeologist do when they find an artefact?

Archaeologists wash, sort, catalog, and store recovered artifacts after bringing them back from the field. They analyze individual artifacts, but also may sort them into groups to see patterns.

Where do artifacts go after the archaeologist finds them?

Today, in most countries, archaeological remains become the property of the country where they were found, regardless of who finds them. Egypt, for example, is scattered with archaeological sites sponsored by American universities.

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Are you allowed to keep artifacts?

If it’s on your property, it’s yours to keep. Unless you sign a contract with a government agency, archaeologists, or educational institution which allows the other party to excavate on your property and keep the artifacts that are found, the artifacts are your property.

How do you report archaeological finds?

You can support our work in two main ways: by reporting any archaeological objects (over 300 years old) you have found, or by volunteering to help record finds. To report your finds, get in touch with your local Finds Liaison Officer.

How can I find someone to help identify an artifact?

It’s best practice to find someone near to you: artifact identification is tricky, and it might be helpful if you could easily just take the object to them to see it. In addition, if you found it locally, the odds are better that someone local will be able to readily identify something that was made locally.

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What do archaeologists use artifacts and features for?

Archaeologists use artifacts and features to learn how people lived in specific times and places. They want to know what these people’s daily lives were like, how they were govern ed, how they interacted with each other, and what they believed and valued.

How do I find an official archaeologist in my state?

The first place to check for the appropriate person or institution is your state archaeologist’s office. Each state has an official archaeologist and this person or someone on the office staff will be able to help you find your answer.

Can I claim an archaeological site on my land?

And if you find that you have a genuine archaeological site discovered on your land, you may as well be a renter from the government. In the United States, the National Historic Preservation Act and the Archaeological Resources Protection Act work hand in hand to both preserve and claim artifacts found on U.S. soil.

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