What requirements should prisons have regarding food given to prisoners?

What requirements should prisons have regarding food given to prisoners?

Prison food must provide adequate nutrition for health, it must accommodate sincere religious beliefs, and it must meet the medical needs of prisoners who are diabetic, lactose intolerant, or have other food-related or food sensitive medical conditions.

What happens when a prisoner refuses to eat?

If the individual is refusing both fluids and food, then deterioration is expected rapidly, with risk of death as early as seven to fourteen days. Deterioration of muscle strength and increased risk of infection can occur within three days of fasting.

What do they eat in prisons on Thanksgiving?

Boom: prison latte. Not every institution serves holiday dinners, but based on accounts from the cooks at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary, Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution, and more, Thanksgiving meals can actually be solid. The roster might include turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and even pumpkin pie.

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Can you eat Kosher food in prison?

You might assume jails leave convicts with religious dietary restrictions to fend for themselves, but the Federal Bureau of Prisons (called BOP, because TIGER BEAT was taken) keeps a detailed checklist of specifications for kosher foods.

How bad does prison food really taste?

As it turns out, prison food is pretty gross. But there’s plenty of interesting backstory to it, aside from its dank smells. We’re guessing it’ll come in handy once your checkered past of stealing gum on dares catches up to you. Glancing over one of the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ 2012 menus, the food actually sounds pretty decent.

Where can I find recipes for prison food?

Most often the recipes only include items sold in the prison commissary, but other ingredients are often available from kitchen workers who sell onions, peppers, spices, meat or even sandwiches or pastries they make in the institutional kitchen.