Tips and tricks

What Quora means?

What Quora means?

Filters. A question-and-answer website that debuted in 2010. Anyone can post a question or answer or edit an answer, but they must register with Quora using their real name. Answers are ranked according to popularity. When a question is asked, Quora responds with a list of results similar to a Google search.

Is Quora a real word?

No, quora is not in the scrabble dictionary.

How do I find answers to myself?

5 Steps to Finding the Answers Within

  1. Take some time out to connect with yourself. Turn off your phone, computer and TV, and allow yourself time to just be.
  2. Take some deep breaths and quiet your mind.
  3. Connect with your deeper self.
  4. Ask questions and allow the answers to come into your awareness.
  5. Trust and practice.
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What is the meaning of Kannada?

Kannada is one of the official languages of the Indian subcontinent. It is the official state language of Karnataka-The southern Indian State. It is one of the oldest surviving language of the world you live in. Spoken by more than 6 crore or 60 million people.

What is the meaning of harake in Kannada?

In Kannada, Harake is the word or Korike which in English means request. But Harake is a request made to God. It is not a request made to humans. In Kannada, prarthana ಪ್ರಾರ್ಥನೆ means beduvudu ಬೇಡುವುದು, bedike ಬೇಡಿಕೆ, more ಮೊರೆ.

What is the meaning of karinaata in Kannada?

Karinaata is the oldest known name for our land, nudi meaning language in our native Kannada language. According To Renowned Linguist Late Sri Shamba Joshi, Kannada Means A Land Of Kan People. Land of Kan community People (Today’s BC’s, Dalits) is Kannada.

What is the meaning of Kannada word ‘Vittala’?

It was the high land or plateau between Kaveri river And Godavari.later it was used to denote the language and people . Lord Vittala worshipped in Maharashtra is often referred as Kanadi Vittala means coming from Kannada land.