What President was an actor?

What President was an actor?

Ronald Reagan, originally an American actor and politician, became the 40th President of the United States serving from 1981 to 1989. His term saw a restoration of prosperity at home, with the goal of achieving “peace through strength” abroad.

What Ronald Reagan did when he was President?

January 20, 1981 – January 20, 1989Ronald Reagan / Presidential term

Who died in Reagan assassination attempt?

James Brady
Hinckley was 25 when he shot and wounded the 40th president outside a Washington hotel. The shooting paralyzed Reagan’s press secretary, James Brady, who died in 2014. It also injured a secret service agent, Timothy McCarthy, and a Washington police officer, Thomas Delahanty.

Do you think celebrities should be involved in politics?

Like MP’s, they handle the politics. If celebrities get involved it would be quite chaotic because most youths would follow in step with them instead of using their own common sense. Celebrities are too influential, especially in a society dominated by social media.

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Do celebrities have the right to speak their opinion?

Celebrities are Americans FIRST and as such have the RIGHT to voice their opinion and get involved. It’s called the CONSTITUTION, which conservatives claim to uphold against all else..Unless someone with a differing opinion steps up. It’s that simple, they have fry he right of freedom of speech like everyone else!

What would happen if celebrities got involved in social media?

If celebrities get involved it would be quite chaotic because most youths would follow in step with them instead of using their own common sense. Celebrities are too influential, especially in a society dominated by social media. It only takes one glance at my twitter feed or Facebook wall to see the dangerous consequences of this.

Do you think US politicians know what they are doing?

They do not know what they are doing because it is for the people of America. They should think like regular US citizens before entering into politics. They have their own favorites and have huge biases. They should think a little and do a lot of research about the people of America and how to help them, not themselves. Choose one or the other.