
What planet is most likely to have an atmosphere?

What planet is most likely to have an atmosphere?

Of these, the planets Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune have significant atmospheres. Pluto (a dwarf planet) may have an appreciable atmosphere, but perhaps only when its highly elliptical orbit is closest to the Sun.

How much of the atmosphere is breathable?

If you mean to ask: how much breathable oxygen gas is there in the atmosphere? The answer is around twenty percent. It’s true: even though we sometimes assume that all air is oxygen, only about a fifth of the atoms that make up our atmosphere are oxygen. The rest is things like nitrogen, carbon dioxide and hydrogen.

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Are there any planets with oxygen?

The planet HD 209458b is the first transiting planet discovered, the first extrasolar planet known to have an atmosphere, the first extrasolar planet observed to have an evaporating hydrogen atmosphere, and now the first extrasolar planet found to have an atmosphere containing oxygen and carbon.

Does planet Saturn have oxygen?

It is a gas giant, in the sense that most of its mass is made of gas. Its observable atmosphere comprises about 90\% hydrogen and 10\% helium. It is likely that Saturn’s interior contains lots of water, and thus oxygen, possibly at the same proportion as helium.

What planet can you breathe on?

To our knowledge, the Earth is the only planet with an atmosphere of the right density and composition to make life possible.

What constitutes breathable air?

These common diving breathing gases are used: Air is a mixture of 21\% oxygen, 78\% nitrogen, and approximately 1\% other trace gases, primarily argon; to simplify calculations this last 1\% is usually treated as if it were nitrogen.

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Which planet has most oxygen?

Answer: From the table we see that Mercury has the greatest percentage of oxygen in its atmosphere.

Where can we find 100 times as much oxygen as Earth?

The light wave readings were taken at two different locations: the IRAM 30-meter telescope in Granada, Spain, and the Northern Extended Millimeter Array telescope in the French Alps. Markarian 231 is a galaxy 581 million light years away from Earth, and is believed to have 100 times as much oxygen as has so far been detected in the Milky Way

Why can’t we live on other planets?

Now, despite living in an age when scientists can study planets light years from our own solar system, most new research continues to diminish the chances of finding other worlds on which humans could live. The biggest stumbling block may be oxygen—human settlers would need a high oxygen atmosphere in which to breathe.

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Which galaxy has 100 times more oxygen than our own?

For the first time ever, astronomers have identified molecular oxygen in a galaxy outside the Milky Way, Markarian 231, which contains 100 times as much oxygen as our own galaxy. Home U.K.

Is oxygen the key to life on Earth?

Still, oxygen is believed to be one of the key elements necessary for the development of life. The team believes further research could help them understand how oxygen distributions factor into the development of galaxies and how that can create some of the necessary preconditions for the formation of life.