Tips and tricks

What pickups do Green Day use?

What pickups do Green Day use?

New acquisitions to Armstrong’s touring arsenal are a Rickenbacker 330, modified with only one volume control, and a late ’60s Martin GT-70 has a bolt-on neck and original DeArmond pickups. His two Marshall 100-watt 1959 SLP reissue heads were modified by Martin Golub at L.A. Sound Design.

How do I get a Green Day guitar tone?

To sound like Green Day on guitar, start with the following amp settings.

  1. Gain: 6.
  2. Treble: 5.
  3. Bass: 5.
  4. Mids: 5.

What pickups does Billie Joe Armstrong use?

– According to Billie’s tech, he nowadays uses Dunlop . 73mm Tortex picks with custom designs. In the older days, he seemed to have preferred the . 88mm Dunlop Tortex green picks, as they could often be spotted tucked into the microphone stand.

What pickups did Billie Joe Armstrong use?

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He is known for his love of the Les Paul Junior model, either single cut or double. He has even had two signature Gibson models with a single P90 pickup, but has also been seen with Telecasters, Les Paul Custom Black Beauties, and a breathtaking array of other beautiful guitars.

What pickups does Billie Joe Armstrong use in blue?

This is the backup guitar for blue, its a blackout telecaster with a slanted Seymour Duncan SH4-JB. It matches the specs of blue, maple neck, solid body, slanted/same pickup, and has one volume knob. It has got a fender tele deluxe pickguard, made by WDMusic. When Hans (Billie’s guitar tech) buys…

What pick does Billie Joe Armstrong use?

Billie Joe Armstrong Guitar Picks: – According to Billie’s tech, he nowadays uses Dunlop . 73mm Tortex picks with custom designs. In the older days, he seemed to have preferred the . 88mm Dunlop Tortex green picks, as they could often be spotted tucked into the microphone stand.

What guitar does Billie Joe Armstrong play?

Today, Armstrong mainly uses Gibson and Fender guitars. Twenty of his Gibson guitars are Les Paul Junior models from the mid- to late-1950s. His Fender collection includes: Stratocaster, Jazzmaster, Telecaster, a Gretsch hollowbody, Rickenbacker 360 and his copies of “Blue” from Fender Custom Shop.

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What AMP does Billie Joe Armstrong use?

– Billie mainly plays through a modified Marshall amp. On Nimrod he used a Fender Bassman, a Hiwatt, and a Leslie. The amp he uses on Dookie is most commenly reffered to as the ‘pete’ amp and can be seen most noticeably at the Woodstock concert, it has ‘pete’ written across it.

What guitar was used on Nimrod?

– Billie’s guitar is a Fernandes Stratocaster copy he calls “Blue”. On Nimrod he also used some Gibson’s, some old Les Pauls, an ES-355, and ES-135 and a Fender Jaguar. He also made a guitar he call’s “Frankenstein” because it is a combination of several different parts purchased at a Fender shop.

What does Green Day’s guitar sound like?

However, the ideal Green Day guitar sound is largely a conventional punk rock tone that’s surprisingly easy to duplicate, even without expensive gear. To do so, we’ll examine Armstrong’s rig and get to see the actual amp settings he uses at Green Day’s live shows.

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What kind of amps does Green Day use?

Green Day Amp Settings. Billie Joe Armstrong’s rig is primarily Marshall amps and Gibson guitars. However, the ideal Green Day guitar sound is largely a conventional punk rock tone that’s surprisingly easy to duplicate, even without expensive gear.

How do I get Green Day presets for my amp?

Get the Fender Fuse software and plug your amp to your PC via microUSB. I had that amp a couple of years ago and I found a bunch of Green Day presets online in the Fuse software. Get a JB SH-4 pickup for your guitar. Lots of mids, very little gain.

Is there a way to model Greenday’s tone?

Here are the numbers via Amplitube 4 app. We can use the JCM Slash model in Amplitube 4 to model Greenday’s guitar tone. We used the JCM Slash model in Amplitube 4, but the general Marshall tone is what we’re after. Everything is at 12 o’clock to start, except for the GAIN which I’ve dialed back to about 40 percent.