
What percentage of students actually finish college?

What percentage of students actually finish college?

U.S. College Graduates 4-year institutions average a 60.4\% graduation rate; the number may be higher among students who take longer than 6 years to graduate. 2-year institutions average a 31.6\% graduation rate. Among students at 2-year and 4-year institutions, the graduation rate is 46.2\%.

How many people never use their college degree?

Of those who said they didn’t think college was worth it, 25.5\% report they’re unable to find a job in their field. Interestingly, 38.6\% said they weren’t using their degree in their current profession. And 16.6\% said they’d dropped out of college before obtaining their degree.

What percentage of college graduates work in their field?

For most, it’s a ticket to their first major career milestone. And great news: many students are reaping the benefits of their academic success to find their way into their first jobs! College graduates ages 25 to 34 boast an employment rate of 86\%, based on a 2017 study by the National Center for Education Statistics.

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What race has the highest dropout rate?

In 2019, the high school drop out rate for American Indian/Alaska Natives in the United States was 9.6 percent — the highest rate of any ethnicity. In comparison, the high school drop out rate for Asians was just under two percent.

What is the employment rate for people with some college education?

The employment rate for those with some college 2 (80 percent) was higher than the rate for those who had completed high school 3 (74 percent), which was higher than the employment rate for those who had not completed high school (57 percent).

How useful is your college education?

Those with a postgraduate or professional degree are more likely to say that their college education was very useful in each of these respects compared with four-year degree holders, who are in turn more likely than those with a two-year associate degree to say that their education was very useful across each of these measures.

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What do Americans think about College and college education?

But despite the potential benefits and opportunities available to college graduates – and the potential challenges faced by those who lack a college diploma – Americans have somewhat mixed attitudes about the effectiveness of traditional four-year colleges and other higher education institutions.

How many Americans aren’t sure their college degree is worth the money?

53.2 million Americans aren’t sure their college degree was worth the money. Are you one of the nearly 61\% of Americans who’s earned a two- or four-year degree?