Tips and tricks

What percentage of reality do we perceive?

What percentage of reality do we perceive?

They are in essence just mechanical media, and so play only a limited role in what we perceive. In fact, in terms of the sheer number of neural connections, just 10 percent of the information our brains use to see comes from our eyes.

Can you make up a face in your dream?

No, the brain doesn’t create faces in dreams. Every person you dream of has been someone you have either known personally or merely came across. Dreams are narratives that we visualize, experience and feel in the deep phase of sleep or REM state (rapid eye movements).

What is Doctor Strange’s logo?

Doctor Strange has a symbol, too, though it’s not what you would expect it to be. The shape that exists in every single artist’s rendition of the Sanctum Sanctorum’s third-floor window, is in fact Doctor Strange’s symbol. The design of his symbol is the Seal of the Vishanti, also called the “Window of the Worlds.”

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Can consciousness perceive thought/memory?

Thought/memory is beyond the five senses and they do not produce any effect on totality that is within the domain of the five senses and yet consciousness can perceive thought/memory! There is no sensation associated with thought/memory since it is beyond the five senses.

Why can’t our senses detect everything we perceive?

In one manner of speaking, everything we perceive is something that our senses cannot detect, because our experience is informed by their detecting but is always something different, and something simultaneously ‘more’ and ‘less’.

Can the brain create a perception without an external stimulus?

Since it’s the brain that determines whether or not we perceive something, it’s not unusual that the brain can create a perception that wasn’t primed by an actual external stimulus. Think about what happens when you dream: you “see”, “hear”, “feel” and even “smell” things all while lying in your bed.

Is there any sense of thought/memory in X-rays?

There is no sensation associated with thought/memory since it is beyond the five senses. X rays are beyond the five senses but consciousness can infer and intuit X rays by the effect it has on a film.