
What percentage of Indian population is fluent in English?

What percentage of Indian population is fluent in English?

India now claims to be the world’s second-largest English-speaking country. The most reliable estimate is around 10\% of its population or 125 million people, second only to the US and expected to quadruple in the next decade.

How well is English spoken in India?

It is both the most widely spoken first as well as second language in India, while English is just the 44th most widely spoken first language even though it is the second-most widely spoken second language.

Why does India speak English?

English helped unify the Indian subcontinent by providing a common language for a region with a multitude of languages and dialects. It also provided a common tongue for administration and education. English is more widely spoken in southern India than northern India in part because southerners loath to use Hindi.

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Why are people ashamed of talking in Hindi?

People, in general, are ashamed of talking in Hindi (or even their own regional language) and this attitude can majorly be attributed to the growing popularity of English. About 90\% of people h I personally feel and have observed that people in India don’t have a sense of language. People don’t even speak Hindi, to be honest.

Why are non-Hindi people in Chennai not happy with the Hindi language?

Not only Chennai, all non-Hindi people are not happy with the way how the language is forced upon them. In fact, Supreme court clearly mentioned that Hindi is not the national language of India yet Hindi people and stupid government are creating an alibi that Hindi is the national language and it is the duty of every Indian to learn it.

Why is Hindi so poor in vocabulary?

It’s not that Hindi (or regional languages) is poor in vocabulary. It is rich in lexical terms, just like any European language, but its Hindi-speakers don’t prefer using proper Hindi words: either by shame (which is the case 8 out of 10 times) or by habit (2 out of 10 times (end-result of reluctance to use Hindi words)).

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What is the difference between English and Hindi?

Hindi is an SOV language (subject-object-verb) while English is an SVO language. This means basic word order will be different from English – get used to putting your verbs last. Lesson 9: Gender matters. When it comes to learning nouns in Hindi, you’ll have to remember one of two forms.