
What Paulinian characteristics do you value most?

What Paulinian characteristics do you value most?

Specific Values: peace, leadership, courage, tranquil daring, creativity, entrepreneurship, sense of responsibility, accountability.

What is Paulinian education?

Paulinian. “Paulinian Education is Christian and redemptive, concerned with the development of the whole person as a child of God. It leads the students to live their new identity in Christ, prepares them for the next life, and equips them for Christian leadership in their own communities here and now.

What is the spirituality of SPC?

The SPC concept of Christian Formation is strongly influenced by the values and orientations of our patron St. Paul. The Christo-centricity (or Christocentric / Paschal spirituality) of St. Paul makes him cling to the Cross as a way to Glory.

What is Christo centric paschal spirituality?

About Us. Our charism is based on St. Paul’s epistles: to live out in our daily life the Christocentric-Paschal Spirituality expressed by a deep love for Christ and an ardent zeal for his Gospel. A spirituality which discovers in mortification and death the seed of new life and unending joy.

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What are the Paulinian core values or the 5 C’s?

Specific Values: Peace, leadership, courage, tranquil daring, creativity, entrepreneurship, sense of responsibility, accountability.

What is a Paulinian identity?

A Paulinian is a community-oriented person who is morally sensitive in the service of family, the Church and one’s country. One informant revealed: “His (or her) decisions are based on the goodness of the general public or community.

What are the Paulinian core values or the 5 C’s define each of them?

The mission gives the Paulinian a sense of responsibility and a fidelity to duty even in small humble tasks. COMMITMENT TO MISSION means STEWARDSHIP, SERVICE, and WITNESS. Specific Values: Peace, leadership, courage, tranquil daring, creativity, entrepreneurship, sense of responsibility, accountability.

What are the 5 forms of evangelization?


  • 1 Open-air preaching.
  • 2 Trickle-down evangelism.
  • 3 Door-to-door evangelism.
  • 4 Ashes to Go evangelism on Ash Wednesday.
  • 5 Evangelizing through a sermon.
  • 6 Lifestyle evangelism.
  • 7 Friendship evangelism.
  • 8 Child evangelism.

What are the Paulinian traits?

What is the meaning of Caritas Christi Urget nos?

The Love of Christ Inspires Us
Caritas Christi Urget Nos means ‘The Love of Christ Inspires Us’.

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What is an example of charism?

In the strictest sense charisms stand only for extraordinary gifts such as prophecy, glossolalia, etc. Yet, gifts such as ecclesiastical jurisdiction, exercise of Sacred Orders, and infallibility also fulfill the definition, for all these are supernatural, freely given gifts ordained for the benefit of the Church.

What are the core values of paulinianism?

Paulinian Core Values. Christ-Centeredness. Christ is the center of Paulinian life; he/she follows and imitates Christ, doing everything in reference to Him. Commission. The Paulinian has a mission – a life purpose to spread the Good News; like Christ, he/she actively works “to save” this world, to make it better place to live in. Community.

What is Paulinian Education?

Thus, Paulinian Education is committed to the formation of self-directed Catholic Filipino men and women who find fulfillment in intelligent fellowship and responsible leadership in meeting their responsibilities to God, country, and fellowmen.

What is a Paulinian sister?

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The Paulinian shares in the unique history and traditions of the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres marked by a Christocentric-paschal spirituality, commitment to mission, service to community through its defined charism, urged on by Charity for God and to men. Christ calls as center for SPIRITUAL PIETY.

What are the values and behavioral indicators of the Catholic Church?

Specific Values: deep personal relationship with God, love of Christ, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, reverence, awe, inner peace. Behavioral Indicators: practice of personal prayer, active liturgical and sacramental life, in school and in the parish, observance of Catholic practices such as regular attendance at Sunday Mass, Confessions, etc.