
What parents should know about back to school night?

What parents should know about back to school night?

Parents want to know what their students are expected to learn this year and how they can help them succeed. Think about creating a handout or packet that gives an overview of your year’s scope and sequence. Bonus points for including information about how parents can help with each big topic/project.

Why do so many Indian parents want their children to become engineers?

The reason parents want their children to become engineers, doctors etc is that somewhere, deep down, they think competing against the mi We Indians have a few psychological and physiological conditions that are possibly unique to the homo sapiens’ species. 1. The pathological need to compare: We have this tendency to only look above or below us.

Why do Indian parents want their kids to have a job?

Unfortunately all work is not created equal in this world and also basic survival does need money (food and housing being case in point). So Indian parents, especially middle class parents with nothing to fallback on without a steady income flow from a job, tend to want their kids to have a materially comfortable life at least.

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What do most parents not know about their child’s profession?

Most parents do not have a deep understanding of what most professions entail or what their prospects are. Their knowledge is generally anecdotal. They hear that so and so professions have good job security, earn enough money and are well respected in society. Money, security and status are buzzwords that every parent drools over.

Are engineers entitled to voice their opinion on everything except engineering?

As long as one is “engineer”, one is entitled to voice their opinion just about everything except engineering because most of them do not really know engineering. We probably have about 5\% engineers, but that does not stop remaining 95\% from living under the illusion they are engineers too.