
What metaphors are you going to use in order to improve your own definition of globalization enumerate at?

What metaphors are you going to use in order to improve your own definition of globalization enumerate at?

Globalization is a fast and strong wifi connection. It connects people and technology together for faster transactions. Globalization acts the same reaso. Globalization is creating an empire.

What other metaphor can you use to define globalization?

As with any aspect of world politics, globalization is bound up in metaphors. The countless and widely varying examples include ‘creol- ization’, ‘flexibilization’, ‘glocalization’, ‘McWorld’, and ‘virtual reality’. Such utterances generate mental associations that can deeply shape overall knowledge of globalization.

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What do you think is the importance of defining globalization as a student?

So in today’s world, globalization is an important concept for students in higher education to understand and appreciate because of the demand in business and industry to hire people who can work with people of other nations and cultures and if need be can travel independently internationally to promote their business …

How are metaphors useful for understanding global processes?

Metaphors help the human mind to gain a better understanding of the world that surrounds him/her. Their systematic use in everyday language, science or politics allows to gain access to knowledge domains and concepts. Understanding one phenomenon through another can often be provocative.

How many metaphors are you going to use to explain globalization?

Enumerate at least three and explain one of them. Question: 2. What metaphors are you going to use in order to improve your own definition of globalization? Enumerate at least three and explain one of them. This problem has been solved!

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What do you think about globalization?

Globalization is like the entire neighborhood suddenly starts coming to your house for dinner. At first its a big party and when food runs out, others bring awesome stuff to keep the party going. Everybody has plenty to eat and the music is incredible.

Do you use metaphors to describe someone?

Everyone has used metaphors in some form or other, whether they realized it or not. You might have described someone as having a heart of stone or ice, or you might have claimed to have a broken heart after a bad breakup or losing a loved one.

What is the meaning of the 800 pound gorilla metaphor?

The idea behind the 800 pound gorilla metaphor is that a person or organization has enough power and strength behind it to crush any competition in its path. Two very good examples of 800 pound gorillas are Google and Apple.