What Marvel characters have lifted Mjolnir?

What Marvel characters have lifted Mjolnir?

Other than Thor and Odin, certain other individuals have proven capable of lifting Mjolnir in the primary continuity:

  • Roger “Red” Norvell (Actually a deliberate ruse by Odin)
  • Beta Ray Bill.
  • Captain America.
  • Eric Masterson.
  • Bor (Thor’s grandfather)
  • Buri (also known as Tiwaz, Thor’s great-grandfather)
  • Loki.
  • Jane Foster.

Has Hulk ever lifted Mjolnir?

The simple answer is no. Yes, Hulk absolutely smashes Thor to the ground with Mjolnir, but, he’s holding both Thor and the hammer. Hulk wouldn’t have been able to lift Mjolnir by himself, but since the God of Thunder had a firm grip on it as well, he was able to use it as a weapon against his teammate.

Can Magneto lift Mjolnir?

Mjolnir is also susceptible to mere physics. The Ultimate Comics version of Magneto was able to lift the hammer by his vast power of electromagnetism. He could harness the magnetic properties of the hammer without actually physically lifting it.

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Was Captain America worthy to lift Mjolnir?

When Captain America lifted Mjolnir, the hammer of Thor, at the end of Avengers: Endgame, fans cheered. To most, it was inevitable – of course, Steve Rogers was worthy.

Is Thor 2099 worthy to lift Mjolnir?

The rules around what makes a person worthy to lift Mjolnir is sufficiently vague to permit all kinds of stories, but some of the people to have the honor haven’t been very honorable. Some are debatable in their worthiness. Some are downright despicable. Thor 2099 is worthy, with an asterisk.

Who are the Marvel characters that have lifted Mjolnir?

Mjolnir has more than one master. 1 Beta Ray Bill. Perhaps the single most iconic example of another Marvel hero lifting Mjolnir came as writer/artist Walt Simonson began his now-legendary run on The Mighty Thor. 2 Conan. As seen in: What If? 3 Captain America. 4 Thunderstrike. 5 Wonder Woman. 6 Superman. 7 Awesome Andy.