What makes you most proud about your family?

What makes you most proud about your family?

I personally believe that having a family makes life complete. Because they are a group of people whom you can always count on forever. And something that I will be always proud of my family is the kind of faith we have towards God. Despite of all the struggles we had, through God’s grace we survived everything.

What are the some things that you like most about your family?

one thing that I like the most about my family is they always helps me and togetherness and strength of my family. 2. My family help me by helping in my homework and by giving things which we want etc.

What makes you feel proud of your mother answer?

My mother not only takes care of me but takes care of all the family members. It seems she does not find any time for herself while she works for all of us from morning till night. The fact that she is dedicated towards all of us makes me feel proud of her.

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How can I be proud of my family?

If you want to make your parents proud, there are a few things you can work on, like trying to always be a kind and considerate person and pushing yourself to pursue new challenges and activities. You should also focus on doing your best and working hard.

How would you describe a happy family?

So, what is your definition of a happy family? A happy family is a family who stays respectfully close & playful, chooses laughter daily and doesn’t sweat the small stuff; they express forgiveness soon, speak kindly about and to each other, and support each other’s big & small moments.

Which value in your family that you can be proud of?

Social Values Not hurting others and also standing up for those who can’t stand up for themselves. Being respectful and courteous in your interactions. Volunteering time and skills in the community. Being generous with what you have.

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When you make your parents proud?

What should you do to make your loved ones proud?

I think the best way to make someone proud is by being happy yourself. Setting goals for your life and archive them, doing things that make you feel happy and archived. When someone who loves you sees how far you’ve come and how happy you are they can’t help it but be proud!

What are 31 reasons I’m proud of my family?

Though with age, I don’t mind as much] So here are 31 reasons I’m proud of my family. 1) Olive, I’m proud of how you keep your eyes on Jesus. How you spend time with Him and allow Him to transform you. 2) Alena, I’m proud of how you bring joy to those around you, just by being yourself.

How do you answer what are you proud of your success?

While you may have achieved something marvellous, you need to use your answer to show that you still want to learn and grow. To demonstrate how ambitious and hard-working you are, offer an example that you’re proud of and explain how this success is a stepping stone for your next goal.

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What are some things you are proud of in life?

1 I’m proud of raising two children who have become open minded, empathetic and good people. 2 To be honest, I do not like the word proud. First of all, I was incredibly lucky in my life. 3 I am still young and just starting my professional career. 4 I am most proud of overcoming the adversity which I faced in my young life.

What does it mean to be proud of your work?

At its core, pride is the feeling of deep satisfaction or pleasure we experience when we’ve achieved something. When a hiring manager asks you what you’re most proud of, they’re listening to your answer and then extrapolating out from there just what sort of tasks you enjoy and what work environments you’d thrive best in.