Tips and tricks

What makes someone perfectly imperfect?

What makes someone perfectly imperfect?

We all have flaws, fears, and make mistakes, and that’s perfectly OK. It’s our imperfections that make life interesting and they help us grow into a stronger more resilient person. We don’t have to strive to achieve the impossible. We are designed to be perfectly imperfect.

What is correct perfectly imperfect or imperfectly perfect?

What’s the difference between Perfectly Imperfect and Imperfectly Perfect? Perfectly imperfect sounds like you like them because of their imperfections. Imperfectly perfect sounds like you like them despite their flaws. The first means that flaws are present, but the total sum of its parts equate to perfection.

Who is imperfect person?

The definition of imperfect is someone or something that has at least one fault or that is not fully formed or complete.

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Why people point out flaws?

Pointing out what bothers you about people only worsens your deep-seated insecurities. The habit of constantly pointing out people’s faults is most likely a reflection of what you’ve struggle with in childhood. It is a manifestation of an insecurity about the very things that you judge other people for most often.

What does it mean when someone says you are perfectly imperfect?

When someone tells you that they feel like you are ” perfectly imperfect “, this means that they truly admire you. They admire and accept your flaws. Knowing that you’re admired not only because things your good at something- but also because your drive is noticed, feels great.

What are the benefits of accepting the imperfect?

Life wouldn’t be very exciting if we were all the same and everything was easy to do, so simply embrace the imperfect. 5) Things feel more attainable. Leaving the idea of perfection behind and accepting that imperfect is perfect raises our confidence.

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Does your beauty lie in your imperfection?

Your beauty lies in your imperfection. You are a work of art, a true magnum opus. Don’t surrender to the erroneous internal messages that tell you that you’re not good enough, smart enough, attractive enough, worthy enough. Those lies will steal away your joy of living. We all have flaws, fears, and make mistakes, and that’s perfectly OK.

Why perfectionism is bad for You?

Perfectionism results in failure because in your eyes, things can always be better and that pressure can lead to a breakdown. A breakdown that can come at a high cost—your psychological health. According to the American Psychological Association, perfectionism among young people has significantly increased since the 1980s.