Tips and tricks

What makes Intj unhappy?

What makes Intj unhappy?

INTJs may not be the most emotional people, but just like anyone they experience sadness. Something that makes the INTJ feel sadness and frustration, is when society’s lack of understanding and knowledge begins to create unnecessary pain. They just have a hard time outwardly expressing those emotions to others.

Are INTJs abrasive?

INTJs are not abrasive in the sense that they are in others faces, since they do believe in giving people space. While they may not go overboard in this way, INTJs can sometimes be abrasive in their own ways. They can sometimes be harsh and don’t always deliver things in a sensitive manner.

What is it like to be an INTJ?

INTJs tend to be introverted and prefer to work alone. INTJs place greater emphasis on logic and objective information rather than subjective emotions. INTJs like their world to feel controlled and ordered so they prefer to make plans well in advance.

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Can INTJs have low self esteem?

INTJs are supposed to be known for their ability to take control of a situation and simply do whatever is necessary to achieve the best possible outcome. However, low confidence does tend to stunt that ability. Younger INTJs frequently suffer from a shyness that causes them to underuse their Te function.

Do intjs have a Ni-Se problem?

At times, INTJs’ intellectualization succeeds in subduing their negative feelings, allowing them to remain in a relatively pleasant mood. Truthfully, however, only the recognition of the more fundamental and recurrent source of their disappointment—the Ni-Se problem—is capable of freeing INTJs and INFJs alike.

But this usually falls on deaf (*ahem* stubborn) ears, as INTJs can’t imagine or accept that their might be a flaw in their logic. At times, INTJs’ intellectualization succeeds in subduing their negative feelings, allowing them to remain in a relatively pleasant mood.

How do intjs deal with inferior function?

Generally, if the feelings of frustration and disappointment are able to be fully expressed and sympathized with, they can move on. INTJs on the other hand, use Introverted Feeling (Fi), and are largely left to try to reconcile the negative feelings stirred up by the inferior function problem on their own.

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Why do INTJ’s hate planning?

What initially begins as a source of great joy and excitement in the early planning phase quickly turns ugly as the hard reality falls short of the hyper-inflated expectation. It should be fairly obvious that this same tendency is also present in INTJs since it revolves around the tension brought on by the dominant Ni and inferior Se functions.