What makes Gen Y different?

What makes Gen Y different?

Generation Y, often referenced to as millennials, were raised by Baby Boomers, while Generation Z has less hands-on parents from Generation X. This alone impacts their values, which are often reflections of how they were raised. As a result, their generation is more pragmatic than their predecessors.

What are the benefits of Millennials?

As previous generations begin to retire, that number will only increase.

  • They’re Highly Educated. The Millennial generation is a highly educated one.
  • They’re Trainable. Younger employees are, compared to older employees, more trainable.
  • They Bring New Perspectives.
  • They Embrace Technology.
  • They’re Loyal.

What does Gen Y care about?

GENERATION Y CARES ABOUT GIVING BACK TO THE COMMUNITY In contrast to their reputation of being lazy and narcissistic, millennials are very philanthropic and care a lot about making an impact to the community. They want to feel that their efforts are making the word better for others.

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Why is Gen Y millennial?

Members of this demographic cohort are known as millennials because the oldest became adults around the turn of the millennium. However, the 1974–1980 cohort was later re-identified by most media sources as the last wave of Generation X, and by 2003 Ad Age had moved their Generation Y starting year up to 1982.

How the Millennial learn better?

Millennials prefer a broad spectrum of learning strategies. The concept of learner-style is more pronounced in this generation. They prefer learning materials that are delivered to cater to their visual, auditory and even kinesthetic needs. They need to experience change in delivery formats to maintain interest.

Which work benefits do millennials value most?

Here’s a look into the most important benefits for millennials.

  • Flexible work schedule.
  • Healthcare plans.
  • Student loan repayment assistance.
  • A great company culture.

What motivates Gen Y in the workplace?

Generation Y wants stock options as a monetary reward and values feedback as a nonmonetary reward. Members of this generation are motivated by skills training, mentoring, feedback and the workplace culture. They respond to recognition from the boss, time off and flexible schedules as rewards.

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How is Generation Y changing the way we work?

Generation Y grew up with technology rapidly changing and constantly at their fingertips. As more and more Millennials come of age the workforce is beginning to slowly change and adapt to this influx of technologically-savvy and outside-of-the-box thinkers.

When did Gen Y become Millennials?

Gen Y: Gen Y, or Millennials, were born between 1981 and 1994/6. They are currently between 25 and 40 years old (72.1 million in the U.S.) Gen Y. 1 = 25-29 years old (around 31 million people in the U.S.)

What have you realized about how the Millennials learn better?

Focused Learning Since millennials have shorter attention spans, micro-learning and nuggets form an integral part of their learning style. They prefer precise learning with bite-sized content instead of going through elaborate lessons. Technology has allowed millennials to stay continuously engaged and connected.

What is genergeneration y?

Generation Y is used to a fast-paced environment, and therefore work fast and efficiently. It does not like to wait, which has led to many people branding the generation as ‘impatient’, but this should be seen as valuing well-organized task-management.

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What are the values of Gen Y?

Generation Y Values. This involves leaving ample opportunity to develop family relationships and enjoy time spent with loved ones. Millennials have seen earlier generations over-work themselves and – as a result – have relatively little time left over to relax with family and friends. Gen Y seeks to learn from this,…

What is Generation Y looking for in a company?

Generation Y prefer to communicate more quickly and effectively via email, social networks or text messaging as opposed to traditional means of communication. The generation are also attracted to organisations where technology is are the forefront of the companies ethos.

What do Gen Y people prefer to do to communicate?

Tech/Web Savvy: As a generation people are constantly plugged into technology and it becomes an essential aspect of the generations life. Generation Y prefer to communicate more quickly and effectively via email, social networks or text messaging as opposed to traditional means of communication.