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What language is mainly spoken in Luxembourg?

What language is mainly spoken in Luxembourg?

According to a 2018 study of the Ministry of National Education, 98\% of the Luxembourg population speaks French, 80\% speaks English, and 78\% speaks German. Luxembourgish is used by 77\% of the population. French is the main communication language, followed by Luxembourgish, German, English and Portuguese.

Is Luxembourgish a real language?

Luxembourgish language, also called Lëtzebuergesch, Letzeburgisch, Luxembourgian, Luxemburgian, or Luxembourgeois, national language of Luxembourg. Luxembourgish is a Moselle-Franconian dialect of the West Middle German group. All three languages are used in the country’s schools.

Is Luxembourgish similar to French?

Luxembourgish (or Lëtzeburgesch) is closest to the Moselle-Franconian dialects of Southwestern Germany, and has French influences – but so have some German dialects on the other side of the border, due to closeness and previous occupations under Louis XIV and Napoleon I.

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Is Luxembourgish similar to German or French?

Luxembourgish is a Moselle-Franconian dialect, which was the mainly spoken language up to the 19th century and became the national language in 1984. It sounds close to Dutch, being a mixture of German and French with regional and even locally varying dialects.

Is Luxembourg German?

listen); French: Luxembourg; German: Luxemburg), officially the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, is a landlocked country in Western Europe. Its culture, people, and languages are highly intertwined with its neighbors, making it a mixture of French and German cultures.

Is Luxembourg Germany?

Luxembourg, country in northwestern Europe. One of the world’s smallest countries, it is bordered by Belgium on the west and north, France on the south, and Germany on the northeast and east. In the 20th century Luxembourg became a founding member of several international economic organizations.

Can I live in Luxembourg?

According to international surveys and rankings, Luxembourg is among the top 20 countries which offer the highest quality of living worldwide. This is not only due to the natural environment and the cozy small-town flair, but also to the safety of the towns, and to the political and economic stability of the country.

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What religion is Luxembourg?

Roman Catholics
The vast majority of people in Luxembourg are Roman Catholics, with around 90\% subscribing to this denomination. Other religions present include protestants, Jews, and Muslims, Freedom of worship and pub- lic practice of religion and freedom to manifest religious beliefs are guaranteed in the Luxembourg Constitution.

What three languages do they speak in Luxembourg?

Official Languages of Luxembourg. The major languages spoken in Luxembourg include Luxembourgish,French,and German.

  • Dialects of Luxembourgish.
  • Standardization of Luxembourgish.
  • Foreign Luxembourgish Speakers.
  • Administrative Languages: French and German.
  • Foreign Languages: Portuguese and Italian,and English.
  • What is the official language in Luxembourg?

    The linguistic situation in Luxembourg is characterised by the practice and the recognition of three official languages: French, German, and the national language Luxembourgish, established in law in 1984.

    What language do they speak in Luxembourg?

    Luxembourgish (Lëtzebuergesch), a Franconian language of the Moselle region similar to German and Dutch, was introduced in primary school in 1912. It is a Mosel-Frankish dialect like the dialects in Germany bordering Luxembourg, and the dialects in Moselle, France.

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    Why does Luxembourg speak French?

    Language in Luxembourg. French and German are the official languages of Luxembourg. The spoken language of the majority of the 400,000 population is Luxembourgish. The 1984 Language Act determines that French is the only language of legislation, and that French, German as well as Luxembourgish can be used for administrative or judicial purposes.