What kind men do you like?

What kind men do you like?

He’s smart.

  • He makes you laugh.
  • He actively supports your career.
  • He makes as much effort with your friends and family as you do with his.
  • He’s emotionally intelligent.
  • He respects your opinions and listens to what you have to say.
  • He’s willing to put the work in.
  • He celebrates your achievements.
  • What do you like in a man?

    The 10 Most Important Things to Look for In a Guy

    • He makes you feel loved. Do you feel cared about, liked, and loved by the guy who you are with?
    • He’s fiscally fit.
    • He doesn’t get jealous.
    • He respects you for who you are.
    • He has confidence.
    • He has a sense of humor.
    • He listens and talks.
    • He wants to make you happy.
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    What is good qualities in a man?

    Personality traits: Sense of humor, intelligence, passion (not the sexual kind, but an active enthusiasm in a pursuit), confidence, generosity. Practical skills: Listening (53 percent), romancing, being good in bed, cooking and cleaning, earning potential.

    What is a ideal man?

    In the US, the ideal man is infused by a sense of righteous purpose which can be recognised through the American Constitution, the central importance of law and freedom, the civil rights movement and so on: he is a man on a mission who deals honestly; he is ready to act and accept the consequences.

    What type of Guy do you want in a boyfriend?

    The type of guy that is super successful and confident can be a little insensitive sometimes, and while you want a guy who is smart, you also want someone who can loosen up and have fun, at least some of the time.

    What does a man think about you when he’s in love?

    When a man’s fallen in love you, you dominate his thinking. His mind just automatically turns to you, even when he’s at work or attempting to focus on something else. In fact, a lot of men report that a whopping 80\% of their day is consumed by thoughts of the woman he loves. That’s a LOTTA his day dedicated to you!

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    What to look for in a man in a relationship?

    What to look for in a guy: 37 good qualities in a man. 1. He’s got a head on his shoulders. 2. He has the same values as you. 3. He’s a positive person. 4. He’s emotionally mature. 5. He has integrity.

    What qualities should you look for in a man?

    Here are 37 great qualities to look for in a man: The perfect guy is smart. There are no two ways about it. Guys who have a head on their shoulders, as the saying goes, are quick thinkers and problem solvers. They see the big picture and don’t get caught up in the details that can slow them down.
