
What jobs in the military require college degree?

What jobs in the military require college degree?

What Can You Do with a College Degree in the Military?

  • Air Defense Artillery Officer.
  • Women’s Healthcare Nurse Practitioner.
  • Navy Diver.
  • Space Operations Officer.
  • Psychological Operations Officer.

Do you need a degree to work in the military?

Enlisting: Enlisted members do the hands-on work of the military. They need at least a high school degree; a GED may not suffice. You must (with very few exceptions) have a high school diploma. You must pass a physical medical exam.

Does the Army pay more if you have a degree?

With a college degree and completion of OCS, you’ll earn a higher salary than you would if you’d gone straight to basic training after high school. Salaries for privates start at $19,659, but officers’ salaries start at around $37,292 a year.

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What education do you need to join the US Army?

Education Required to Join the Army In general, the Army requires all recruits to have at least a high school diploma; in addition, officer candidates must have a bachelor’s degree. If you enlist with a bachelor’s or master’s degree, you may start at a somewhat higher rank, generally as corporal or specialist.

What are some jobs in the army that don’t require a degree?

Of the approximately 450,000 enlisted personnel in the Army, nearly all work in military occupation specialties that do not require a degree. However, competition for some positions can be fierce, especially in occupations like electronics, engineering, science and health care.

What can I do with a bachelor’s degree in military training?

Whether you decide to pursue a job in healthcare, financial services or technology, a bachelor’s degree may be key to your transition to employment that values your military training. Speak with a veteran’s representative at your school of choice to discuss your available options.

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What degree do you need to work as a civilian?

A bachelor’s degree in business, management, or other related field is usually required for employment. Northeastern understands that for U.S. veterans, finding a job as a civilian can be one of the greatest challenges you’ll face after service.