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What is your Favourite subject science and why?

What is your Favourite subject science and why?

I can study these concepts in Science. Science is my favourite subject in school. It is my favourite subject because we study many interesting concepts in this subject such as plants, animals, universe, earth, forces of earth etc. When we study Science, we can know about the world around us.

What is your Favourite subject in science?

Of all my subjects in school, science is my favourite subject. Science has always attracted me. Science has completely changed our lives. With the help of science, we have been able to build high-speed trains, air planes, vehicles, etc., due to which we can go from one place to another in a very short time.

What is the best science subject?

Subject Ranking 2015-2016: physical sciences top 100

  • Astronomy & Astrophysics.
  • Chemistry.
  • Crystallography.
  • Earth Sciences.
  • Mathematics & Statistics.
  • Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences.
  • Nanotechnology.
  • Physics.
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What is science as a subject?

Science is a universal subject that spans the branch of knowledge that examines the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. Science education is most commonly broken down into the following three fields: Biology, chemistry, and physics.

Why you should study science?

Science is important to study because science is integral to significant and inescapable aspects of modern life. Some of these aspects, as explained by Jared Diamond and others, that are inextricably tied to science are: the national and global economies. communication, education, production of food, reduction of disease.

Why should you study science?

Science is the part of study where students; study about the biological, chemical, physical and technological world. Plan and perform investigations to test out scientific thoughts and explanations. Identify with that scientific knowledge has been developed over time by scientists from cultures all about the world.

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Why you should study computer science?

The most important aspect of computer science is problem solving, an essential skill for life. Students study the design, development and analysis of software and hardware used to solve problems in a variety of business, scientific and social contexts.

Why do we have to study science?

Develops problem-solving skills. With the knowledge of science,you learn to think logically and solve a problem.

  • Awareness about technology. Learning the basics of how certain devices work can help you develop ideas of your own and invent new technology.
  • Teaches You How to conserve Natural Resources.
  • Instills Survival Skills.