
What is your definition of retirement?

What is your definition of retirement?

Retirement refers to the time of life when one chooses to permanently leave the workforce behind. The traditional retirement age is 65 in the United States and most other developed countries, many of which have some kind of national pension or benefits system in place to supplement retirees’ incomes.

What are the effects of retirement?

Results indicate that complete retirement leads to a 5-16 percent increase in difficulties associated with mobility and daily activities, a 5-6 percent increase in illness conditions, and 6-9 percent decline in mental health, over an average post-retirement period of six years.

Why is it important to retire?

It reduces the amount of taxes you owe on the income for each year you invest in it. It allows you to defer or even avoid the taxes you owe on the earnings that accrue on your investments. It produces earnings on earnings, creating a compounding effect not available in a regular savings account.

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How can I be happy in retirement?

65 Tips for a Healthy, Wealthy, and Happy Retirement!

  1. Have a Sense of Purpose and Meaning.
  2. Create the Most Complete Retirement Plan Possible.
  3. Make Friends with Your Future Self.
  4. Think Health Not Wealth.
  5. Trade Time for Money.
  6. Volunteer and Feel Great.
  7. Want Health in Retirement?
  8. And, If Walking Is Your Exercise, Walk Fast.

When are you really retired?

Retirement is now a frame of mind – you’re retired when you can do what you want. It doesn’t necessarily have anything to with whether you are drawing a paycheck or not. Retirement is the freedom to decide what you want to do. At the same time, retirement has also gotten longer.

Do you dream about retiring at a young age?

Retirement blogger and former management consultant, Bob Lowry, writes about topics that affect retirees. And a recent survey of his readers yielded some interesting information about real retirement life, which he shared at NextAvenue. Some people dream from about retiring from a young age, and some are never quite sold on the idea.

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Is retirement just like any other phase of life?

You have your daily habits and lifestyle, but anything can change, even before retirement. In that respect, retirement is just like any other phase of life. You just never know, at least unless you’ve got a crystal ball.

What does it mean to have a satisfying retirement?

Having a satisfying retirement is more about your attitude toward the opportunities that life gives you. Bob Lowry was a management consultant to several hundred radio stations before retiring in 2001. He writes the Satisfying Retirement blog and is the author of the e-book, Living a Satisfying Retirement.