What is working at McKinsey really like?

What is working at McKinsey really like?

McKinsey teaches its consultants to think in a highly structured way, but the organization itself is rather loose and fluid. You often have a say in the projects you work on, and sometimes have to travel to work in another office at just a couple of days’ notice.

Is it hard to get an interview with McKinsey?

McKinsey interviews are among the hardest job interviews in the world. The questions are difficult, specific to McKinsey, and the interviewer can sometimes seem intimidating. But the good news is that with the right preparation it can actually become relatively straightforward to succeed at a McKinsey interview.

What is it like to work at McKinsey?

Working for McKinsey is not for the weak hearted. The firm places an incredible amount of responsibility on every consultant, regardless of level. Get ready to be pushed to your limits and expected to perform – otherwise, you will be pushed out. 2. Politics Due to the large global nature of the firm, hierarchy and seniority exists within McKinsey.

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What does it take to become a McKinsey consultant?

McKinsey or any management consulting firms will hire candidates from every academic discipline and background – so long as they meet three key criteria – leadership, achieving, and analytical problem-solving. Successful wannabe-consultants will receive all the training they need to do the job.

What is the inner world of McKinsey like?

The inner world of McKinsey can be described as one that values intellect over experience; influence over compulsion; logic over emotion; and facts over gut feel. It’s left-brained, with a hyper-rational, almost Cartesian view of how business and the world works.

What are the benefits of consulting jobs?

Two of the most attractive features of consulting jobs are the outrageously good pay and the glamorous lifestyle. A typical senior consultant at McKinsey earns over $160,000 a year, and the highest positions pay up to $1,3m a year.