
What is the void in shamanism?

What is the void in shamanism?

To energetically describe a Void, it is when your vibration or frequency gets stuck in a cycle or ring of either downward, or horizontal movement.

What is the Void stage?

The void is one of the six stages in the spiritual awakening journey where nothing seems to happen. You don’t see results. You don’t get opportunities. Wishes and desires don’t manifest, and God seems too far away to notice your despair.

What is a void being?

noun. Definition of void (Entry 2 of 3) 1a : opening, gap. b : empty space : emptiness, vacuum. 2 : the quality or state of being without something : lack, absence.

How do you handle the void?

The only way to be happy, healthy and whole is to face and deal with the voids you carry in your heart and soul. If something is missing, broken or empty inside of you, there is no person or thing that will fill it. Only you can heal yourself and close the voids. The first step is to stop stuffing, hiding and avoiding.

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Why do I feel like Im in a void?

Feelings of emptiness—a lack of meaning or purpose—are experienced by most people at some point in life. However, chronic feelings of emptiness, feelings of emotional numbness or despair, and similar experiences may be symptomatic of other mental health concerns, such as depression, anhedonia, or schizophrenia.

What is it like to be awakened during the void?

As Awakened, and Awakening people, living life with an elevated consciousness in a dualistic, and dense Matrix can be extremely hard to navigate during periods of the Void in Ascension. The process of Ascension is like being in a state of existential shock.

Are you going through the kundalini awakening stages?

Turbulence and trauma are the first signs that you are going through the Kundalini awakening stages. Because the Kundalini awakening is a spiritual experience that needs a pure vessel, you’ll need to start by cleansing your mind and body. As this happens, you might experience physical and emotional symptoms in your body.

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Why do we have to untie the Kundalini cords chronologically?

Depending on their location, the practitioner would be required to untie them chronologically, in order to facilitate the free movement of energies. The untying process takes place throughout the different kundalini awakening stages. The first ‘Granthi’ or knot is the Brahma knot, which is located between the root and the sacral chakras.

What causes Kundalini experiences?

Traumas, near-death experiences, and other life-shattering situations can cause kundalini experiences. As a result of this syndrome, the individual develops the sixth sense and other rare characteristics. The Kundalini syndrome is also referred to as the psycho-spiritual awakening in a person.