
What is the use of ICollection?

What is the use of ICollection?

ICollection supports enumerating over the elements, filtering elements, adding new elements, deleting existing elements, updating existing elements and getting the count of available items in the list. IList extends ICollection.

What is the meaning of ICollection?

ICollection is a interface that represents a collection, it also contains strongly typed members.

What is ICollection in Entity Framework?

ICollection represents a type of collection. specifying a collection as an ICollection allows you to use any type of collection in your code that implements the ICollection interface.

What is difference between ICollection and list?

ICollection is an interface, List is a class.

What is ICollection in C# with example?

Definition of ICollection and the ICollection interface ICollection inherites from IEnumerable, so that we can iterate an object collection of the ICollection interface (for example List and List) using a foreach loop. Here is the body of the generic ICollection interface.

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Should I use ICollection or IEnumerable?

IEnumerable contains only GetEnumerator() method, like read-only iterate. ICollection is one step ahead of IEnumerable. If we want some more functionality like Add or remove element, then it is better to go with ICollection because we cannot achieve that with IEnumerable.

How do I declare an ICollection?

ICollection is an interface, you can’t instantiate it directly. You’ll need to instantiate a class that implements ICollection ; for example, List . Also, the ICollection interface doesn’t have an Add method — you’ll need something that implements IList or IList for that.

What is the difference between ICollection and List C#?

Here’s the difference between the interfaces: IEnumerable is read-only. You can add and remove items to an ICollection You can do random access (by index) to a List

What is the use of ICollection in C#?

The ICollection interface in C# defines the size, enumerators, and synchronization methods for all nongeneric collections. It is the base interface for classes in the System. Collections namespace.

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Why ICollection is used in C#?

ICollection is used because the IEnumerable interface provides no way of adding items, removing items, or otherwise modifying the collection.

What is a ICollection C#?

The ICollection interface in C# defines the size, enumerators, and synchronization methods for all nongeneric collections. It is the base interface for classes in the System.

How do I add to ICollection?

What is the icollection interface in Java?

The ICollection interface is the base interface for classes in the System.Collections namespace. Its generic equivalent is the System.Collections.Generic.ICollection interface. The ICollection interface extends IEnumerable; IDictionary and IList are more specialized interfaces that extend ICollection.

What is the difference between IEnumerable and icollection in Java?

In the IEnumerable interface we don’t know how many elements there are in the collection whereas the ICollection interface gives us this extra property for getting the count of items in the collection. The ICollection interface contains the following,

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What is the generic equivalent of icollection in Java?

Remarks. Its generic equivalent is the System.Collections.Generic.ICollection interface. The ICollection interface extends IEnumerable; IDictionary and IList are more specialized interfaces that extend ICollection. An IDictionary implementation is a collection of key/value pairs, like the Hashtable class.