
What is the three form of sweet?

What is the three form of sweet?

Sweet, Sweeter, SWEETEST? – The Hindu.

What is the verb of the word form?

verb. formed; forming; forms. Definition of form (Entry 2 of 4) transitive verb. 1a : to give a particular shape to : shape or mold into a certain state or after a particular model form the dough into a ball a state formed along republican lines.

What is noun form of sweet?

sweet. (uncountable) The basic taste sensation induced by sugar. (countable, Britain) A confection made from sugar, or high in sugar content; a candy. (countable, Britain) A food eaten for dessert.

What is the adverb form of sweet?

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1in a pleasant way She smiled sweetly at him. in a way that smells sweet a sweetly scented flower The air smelled sweetly of fruit.

What is the superlative form of sweet?

superlative of sweet is: sweetest.

What is the adjective form of sweet?

adjective. /swit/ (sweeter, sweetest)

What is verb first form?

There are four principal forms: basic or root, present participle, past and past participle. The basic form (or root) is the form listed in the dictionary, which is generally the first-person singular of the simple present tense (except in the case of the verb to be): walk. paint. accompany.

Is sweet a verb or a noun?

Sweet can be an adjective or a noun. It can describe something pleasing to the senses, like a sweet song, or when you’re playing basketball and get nothing but net. Sweet! As a noun, it’s a confection, a little something for dessert.

What type of adjective is sweet?

adjective, sweet·er, sweet·est. having the taste or flavor characteristic of sugar, honey, etc. producing the one of the four basic taste sensations that is not bitter, sour, or salt. not rancid or stale; fresh: This milk is still sweet.

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What is the adjective form of sweetly?

sweetish, adjectivesweetly, adverbsweetness, noun.

Is more sweeter correct?

Maybe you want to say “much sweeter”. More sweeter is incorrect.

What are different words for sweet?

Another word for sweet. Having or suggesting the taste of sugar: saccharine, sugary. Pleasing to the eye or mind: attractive, bewitching, enchanting, engaging, enticing, fascinating, fetching, glamorous, lovely, prepossessing, pretty, taking, tempting, winning, winsome.

What does the word sweet mean?

Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: sweet(Noun) The basic taste sensation induced by sugar. sweet(Noun) A confection made from sugar, or high in sugar content; a candy. sweet(Noun) A food eaten for dessert.

What is a word that means sweet?

Sweet: granted special treatment or attention. Synonyms: beloved, cherished, darling… Antonyms: unbeloved, fetid, foul… Find the right word.

What is another word for sweet words?


  • agreeable,
  • amiable,
  • genial,
  • good-natured,
  • good-tempered,
  • gracious,
  • mellow,
  • nice,
  • pleasant,