
What is the spoon theory for depression?

What is the spoon theory for depression?

The metaphor uses spoons to represent energy units. For every task a chronically ill individual performs — depending on how difficult it was for them — they lose energy units, meaning more and more spoons get taken away. And when they’re gone, a person has no energy left to get through the day.

Do spoons apply to depression?

Those suffering from depression may suddenly wake up with a limited number of spoons as it gets harder to get out of bed in the morning, complete daily tasks, and make it through the day. Having anxiety can instantly drain a person of an entire spoon or two, leaving them struggling to complete their next task.

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What does counting spoons mean?

Counting spoons is a metaphor for calculating your energy, especially if you have cancer or another chronic illness. The concept comes from an essay called “The Spoon Theory,” written by Christine Miserandino.

How do you help a Spoonie?

For some, cooking dinner helps them gain spoons back. For others, cooking dinner may take away spoons. Other self-care techniques include listening to music, taking a bath, going for a walk, exercise, spending time with friends, spending time with a pet, reading a book, listening to a podcast, etc.

What does it mean to be a Spoonie?

Spoonie is a term coined by a chronic illness blogger, who used spoons to demonstrate how much energy a person with a chronic illness has each day, and how much is used up doing simple tasks like washing or getting dressed.

Can the spoons theory help with depression?

The Spoons Theory and Depression [Infographic] The Spoons Theory was initially developed by Christine Miserandino to tell a friend what it’s like to live with lupus, and it works with any chronic illness. However, I found that when I applied it to my fight with depression, it became a game changer for me and my relationship with my wife.

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What is “spoon theory”?

“Spoon theory” is now part of the lingo of autoimmune disease. Legions of people call themselves “spoonies,” connect on social media as #spoonies, use spoon theory to explain their chronic disease limitations, and plan their days around the number of spoons they have when they wake up.

What is Miserandino’s spoon theory?

Miserandino also asserted that it is possible to exceed one’s daily limit, but that doing so means borrowing from the future and may result in not having enough spoons the next day. Miserandino suggested that spoon theory can be helpful for explaining the experience of living with any disease or illness.

Is the spoons theory a game changer for your relationship?

However, I found that when I applied it to my fight with depression, it became a game changer for me and my relationship with my wife. The Spoons Theory is very powerful when applied to your mental illness for a few reasons:

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