
What is the science behind walking on water?

What is the science behind walking on water?

The water appears to defy gravity, but in reality, it moves because of a process called capillary action. Water is able to move against the force of gravity because water molecules stick to each other AND they stick to the fibers of the paper towel.

How is it possible that Jesus walked on water?

Jesus may have appeared to be walking on water when he was actually floating on a thin layer of ice, formed by a rare combination of weather and water conditions on the Sea of Galilee, according to a team of US and Israeli scientists.

How did Jesus turn water into wine science?

The first recorded miracle in the New Testament is told in John 2:1-11 when Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding. Jesus summoned several of the servants to fill the jugs with water and take them to the host of the wedding. The host took a sip from the jug and realized that the water had been turned into wine.

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What is the purpose of walking water experiment?

The purpose of this experiment is to actually make a secondary color from primary colors using what is called in science capillary action. Capillary action (or wicking) is the ability of a liquid to flow from one place to another without the assistance of, or even in opposition to, external forces like gravity.

Why did Jesus walk on the sea?

In John 5:19 Jesus declared that He could do nothing by Himself, but only through God the Father. Jesus walked on water because of His faith in God. Likewise, Peter walked toward Jesus in faith before he stumbled. We need the living, true faith that allowed Jesus and Peter to walk on water.

Is it chemically possible to turn water into wine?

Water can not be turned into wine, because it lacks the constituents ever to be wine. The only instances in which water was allegedly turned into wine involved divine figures like Jesus.

What is the science behind capillary action?

Capillary action occurs because water is sticky, thanks to the forces of cohesion (water molecules like to stay close together) and adhesion (water molecules are attracted and stick to other substances). Adhesion of water to the walls of a vessel will cause an upward force on the liquid at the edges and result in a.

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What do you need for the walking water experiment?


  1. Odd number of clear glasses or cups (at least three)
  2. Water.
  3. Food coloring.
  4. Spoon.
  5. Half-sheet paper towels (at least three)

What do we learn from the story of Jesus walking on water?

Lessons From the Story The story reminds Christians of the importance of setting aside room for God. Recognizing the Lord: Even though the disciples had been with Jesus for a long time, they didn’t recognize him as he approached in the storm.

At what age did Jesus turn water to wine?

Jesus was about thirty years old at the time of this incident. It occurred at a wedding in Cana of Galilee just 3 days after He began His public ministry. His public ministry began immediately after His 40 day testing in the wilderness had ended, which occurred immediately after He was baptized by John the baptist.

Why did Jesus walk on the water?

The miraculous feat of Jesus walking on the water, written in three of the Gospels, came right after His wondrous feeding of the 5,000 with only five loaves of bread and two fish ( Matthew 14:17 ). But it was the revelation of Jesus walking on the water that, more than any other, convinced Jesus’ disciples that He was surely the Son of God.

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Why did Peter walk on the water?

But first Peter walked on the water at the command of Jesus, demonstrating his power as the Word of God. This is seen again when Jesus calmed the storm another time with just his word.

Did Jesus walk on the surface of the Galilee sea?

One of the miracles that Gospels attribute to Jesus is that of him walking on the surface of the Galilee Sea. As a man of science, I do not buy easily into religion, especially not the stories that border on supernatural or miraculous.

What did the disciples say when they saw Jesus walking on Sea?

And in the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea. But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, “It is a ghost!” and they cried out in fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Take heart; it is I.