What is the salary of 1000 subscribers?

What is the salary of 1000 subscribers?

Becoming an influencer on YouTube is reported as the highest-paid platform for brand partnerships, according to Aqer. But to give you an idea of what you can potentially charge, a mid-level influencer charges a brand around $20 per 1,000 subscribers, or $2,000 per $100,000 followers, according to one study.

How much money do you get when you hit 100000 subscribers?

When you make money on YouTube, it’s calculated based on views rather than subscribers. However, the more subscribers you have, the more views each of your videos is likely to get. So the average YouTuber with 100k subscribers can make $12,000 or more per sponsored video.

How much money does 1000000 subscribers make?

How much does a YouTuber with 1 million subscribers make? The average YouTuber with 1 million subscribers typically makes roughly $60,000 a year. If you’re considering becoming a YouTuber as an easy way to earn some cash, first you should check out these options first.

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How much does a YouTuber with 200k subscribers make?

How Much Does A YouTuber With 200,000 Subscribers Make? UPDATE 8/4/2017: I currently have 240,000 subscribers. I make ~$12,000 per month. $3,000 comes from YouTube ad revenue and $9,000 comes from selling this digital marketing course.

How much does Your Channel make per month with 140k subs?

Last month it had 140k subs and circa $1.7k in monthly revenue. Another example. As of December 2017 channel #2 had circa 900k subs and $19,6k in monthly revenue. Frankly, there is no correlation of revenue to the number of subscribers. That is 100\% information. Why do I think so?!

How much does the number of subscribers on a channel matter?

As of December 2017 channel #2 had circa 900k subs and $19,6k in monthly revenue. Frankly, there is no correlation of revenue to the number of subscribers. That is 100\% information. Why do I think so?! Because recently I sold my Youtube business (six-figure range), and for the last three years I was related to circa 15 channels.

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How much money does channel 2 make per month?

As of December 2017 channel #2 had circa 900k subs and $19,6k in monthly revenue. Frankly, there is no correlation of revenue to the number of subscribers. That is 100\% information.