
What is the richest state in Greece?

What is the richest state in Greece?


Rank Region Per capita (inflation-adjusted 2017 US$)
1 Attica $31,674
2 Central Macedonia $19,483
3 Thessaly $18,504
4 Crete $21,660

How much is Macedonia worth?

2,076,255 (1 January 2020 est.) $14.352 billion (nominal, 2021 est.)

Where do rich live in Greece?

After Palaio Psychico, the richest area identified is the northern Athens suburb of Ekali, where 2,883 taxpayers declared annual incomes of 122,879. A distant third is Kolonaki, in the center of the capital, where 1,454 taxpayers declared incomes averaging at 77,419 euros.

Why is Macedonia so poor?

Political and ethnic tensions are contributing factors to the widespread poverty. Suspected government corruption in elections and ongoing prejudice between the Albanian and Macedonian populations prevent the stability necessary for economic improvement.

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What is the population of Macedonia in Greece?

Macedonia is the largest and second-most-populous Greek region, with a population of 2.38 million in 2017. The region is highly mountainous, with most major urban centres such as Thessaloniki and Kavala being concentrated on its southern coastline.

Where is North Macedonia in the world?

North Macedonia, officially the Republic of North Macedonia, is a country in the Balkan Peninsula in Southeast Europe. It is one of the successor states of Yugoslavia, from which it declared independence in September 1991 under the name Republic of Macedonia.

What is the economic region of Macedonia famous for?

Macedonia accounts for the majority of Greece’s agricultural production and is also a major contributor to the country’s industrial and tourism sectors. The metropolis of the region, Thessaloniki is the second-largest city and a major economic, industrial, cultural, commercial and political centre of Greece.

When did Macedonia gain its independence?

It gained independence in 1991 as one of the successor states of Yugoslavia. North Macedonia is a landlocked country bordering with Kosovo to the northwest, Serbia to the north, Bulgaria to the east, Greece to the south, and Albania to the west. It constitutes approximately the northern third of the larger geographical region of Macedonia.