
What is the rank of IRA Singhal in UPSC?

What is the rank of IRA Singhal in UPSC?

Rank 1
IAS Ira Singhal Posting and Mark Sheet: Her Journey to Rank 1 in UPSC 2014.

Who got highest marks in UPSC history optional?

Ishwar Kumar Kandoo
*Ishwar Kumar Kandoo secured the highest marks in history optional in 2017. He secured 160 and 156 in paper I and II respectively, giving him a total of 316/500.

Is Ira Singhal IAS?

Meet UPSC topper Ira Singhal, who fought disability and system to become an IAS officer. IAS officer Ira Singhal is the first differently-abled to achieve that feat in the general category.

Who got highest marks in PSIR?

POLITICAL SCIENCE & INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: Strategy by IAS Topper – Mirant Parikh, Rank 67, PSIR Marks – 307, First Attempt.

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How can I score 100 plus in UPSC Prelims?

5 Tips to boost your IAS prelims score in the last 30 days

  1. Attempt previous year UPSC questions in a timed environment with negative marking.
  2. Take ClearIAS mock tests for IAS Prelims.
  3. Finish ClearIAS Current Affairs Capsules (Monthly MCQs) – FREE.
  4. Read ClearIAS Daily MCQs Compilation – Available for download as PDF.

Who is Ira Singhal IAS?

The life and journey of Ira Singhal IAS – all India rank 1 in UPSC Civil Services Examination 2014 – is unique in many unique ways. With 62\% locomotor disability, 30-year-old Ira Singhal topped the IAS exam, attempted by around 5 lakh aspirants in 2014.

Who was the IAS topper in 2014?

With 62\% locomotor disability, 30-year-old Ira Singhal topped the IAS exam, attempted by around 5 lakh aspirants in 2014. Why now: As many aspirants wrote to us about their lack of motivation and confidence, we felt the strategies and booklist of the last year topper should give direction for aspirants.

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Why did IRA take coaching for her first attempt?

Ira had taken coaching for her first attempt in 2009-10 as she didn’t had much idea about preparation. She says, at that time, in 2009-10, there was no material available online. These days a lot of material is available online and a lot of guidance on where to begin is also present online so if I were preparing today, I would not join them.

Can a gain score of zero be significant?

Because the gain score is computed as a difference score, no change between pretest and posttest would be indicated by a gain score of zero. If the 95\% confidence interval includes zero, then the gain score mean is not significantly different from zero. The 95\% confidence interval for the treatment group mean ranges from -18.83 to -13.02.