
What is the most expensive part in a computer?

What is the most expensive part in a computer?

The motherboard is the most expensive part of building a PC. It contains the microprocessor, RAM memory, and most of the other electronics.

What is the costliest part of a laptop?

The display is usually the most expensive integral part.

Is PC more expensive than laptop?

If a desktop PC and a laptop have the same specifications, the general rule is the laptop will be more expensive. Top-of-the-line laptops generally have higher price points than desktop PCs and they also have all of the limitations listed above.

Is a gaming PC expensive?

Gaming PCs require high-power hardware, which costs money. You can easily sink $1000 into a high-end graphics card alone, and that’s not even the top end. The rest of the components can easily cost over $1000. So, yes, for most budgets, gaming PCs are expensive.

Is a Mac a computer?

A Mac is designed for personal use and is a computer, so that makes it is a PC. However, when IBM introduced their first computer in August 1981, model number 5150, the term PC became something more specific. By this definition, a Mac computer is not a PC, as it is not IBM-compatible.

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What is the most expensive part of a PC?

Processor – usually the most expensive part of the PC. Memory (RAM) – depending on the capacity, speed and latency, the memory can get expensive. Motherboard – depending on the chipset, features and overclocking support, motherboards may or may not be expensive. Mid-tier consumer motherboards should be relatively inexpensive.

How much does it cost to buy a computer?

Today, you can buy a new PC or laptop for less than $300, but you couldn’t even get a monitor for that much in the early days of the computer. However, there are still some models that cost a ton of money either because they contain insane tech or insanely opulent features.

Should nature pay for the cost of a computer?

Our analysis indicates that, on average, if nature charged for its services, the “true cost” of a desktop computer would be around 6 percent higher than the retail price, while the laptop would be 14 percent more expensive. Carbon emissions create most of the cost but there are significant differences between the desktop and the laptop.

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What are the most expensive computer viruses of all time?

Here is a look at 10 of the most expensive computer viruses of all time, and how to avoid a similar devastation in the future. The most devastating computer virus to date is MyDoom, which caused over $38 billion in damages. In addition to being the most expensive virus to date, its effects were far-reaching and fast-moving.