
What is the meaning of Christology from above?

What is the meaning of Christology from above?

The term “Christology from above” or “high Christology” refers to approaches that include aspects of divinity, such as Lord and Son of God, and the idea of the pre-existence of Christ as the Logos (the Word), as expressed in the prologue to the Gospel of John.

What is ascending and descending Christology?

Descending Christology-is the study of Jesus Christ, by looking at him as first, the divine son of God, and then moving downward to the view of him as a human. Ascending Christology-is the study of Jesus beginning with his human life and moving upward into his relationship with God.

What is Christology and why is it important?

‘helps us to understand the significance of the deity of Christ. It demonstrates why Jesus is the atoning sacrifice for our sins. Christology teaches us that Jesus had to be man so that He could die – and had to be God so that His death would pay for our sins. It is perhaps the most important area of theology.

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What is theology from below?

Doing theology from below requires me to learn to see things from the perspective of those below. It is, however, not merely about seeing what those below see. It is about seeing myself through those below, seeing myself from the perspective of those below.

What is the difference between Christology and soteriology?

Soteriology is the branch of theology dealing with the study of salvation. The term comes from the Greek soterion, “salvation,” and is also related to soter, “savior.” In Christianity, soteriology is inextricably linked with Christology, for both fields centralize the significance of Christ as savior.

Which type of Christology focuses on divinity?

Unlike the synoptic gospels which focus on the divinity of Jesus, John’s gospel focuses on Jesus’ humanity. Christology from below refers to Jesus’ human nature while a Christology from above refers to Jesus’ divine nature.

Who said theology is faith seeking understanding?

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Anselm of Canterbury
Fides quaerens intellectum means “faith seeking understanding” or “faith seeking intelligence”. It is the theological method stressed by Augustine (354–430) and Anselm of Canterbury ( c.

What is the relationship between Christology from above and Christology from below?

In this sense the ‘ above ‘ in ‘ Christology from above ‘ refers to God’s actions in the Incarnation, and the ontological result of that action (the hypostatic union), whereas the ‘ below ‘ in ‘ Christology from below ‘ refers to the gradual process by which the ·apostolic understanding of that action developed.

What is the relationship between Christology and soteriology?

In Christianity, soteriology is inextricably linked with Christology, for both fields centralize the significance of Christ as savior. Christian soteriology, then, developed vis-à-vis the process of defining doctrinally who Jesus is and what his life, death, and resurrection mean for humankind.

What is Catholic Christology?

A specifically Catholic Christology is one which knows Christ through the mediation of Scripture, tradition, and the magisterium. These are the means by which Christ is grasped in his otherness and transcendence, on the one hand, and in his proximity and immanence on the other.

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What are the two extremes in Christology?

The “two extremes of Christology” can be simply answered as either inventing stories about Jesus that are not Biblically supported, or contradicting what the Bible clearly says about Jesus. Some of these invented stories can be found in the New Testament Apocrypha , which are a variety of early writings and legends (cf.

What are the two kinds of Christology?

There are two basic types of Christology- Christology “from below” or Ascending Christology. Christology “from above” or Descending Christology.

What is your Christology?

Christology (from Greek Χριστός Khristós and -λογία, -logia ), literally “the understanding of Christ ,” is the study of the nature (person) and work (role in salvation) of Jesus Christ. It studies Jesus Christ’s humanity and divinity, and the relation between these two aspects; and the role he plays in salvation .

What are the sources of Christology?

The basic sources for the historical development of Christology are the New Testament, containing the foundational Christian writings; the creeds of Christianity, especially those from the first five centuries; and the reflections of theologians. Clearly, those three are interrelated, with theological reflection occupying a pivotal place.