What is the longest book written in English?

What is the longest book written in English?

Marienbad My Love by Mark Leach. It is supposedly the world’s longest published novel in English at 2.5 million words. If you have some extra time, you can read it at marienbadmylove.com.

What is the longest book in the world 2021?

His epic story À la recherché du temps perdu—or In Search of Lost Time—boasts nearly 1.3 million words, making it the world’s longest book. Though it’s split up into multiple volumes, In Search of Lost Time is considered the longest novel ever published by Guinness World Records.

Which one is the world’s longest novel?

The Guinness Book of World Records gives the honor to Marcel Proust’s elephantine Remembrance of Things Past, weighing in at 9,609,000 characters (including spaces).

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How many pages is the longest book ever?

The Guinness Book of World Records gives the honor to Marcel Proust’s elephantine Remembrance of Things Past, weighing in at 9,609,000 characters (including spaces). Other commentators cite Henry Darger’s In the Realms of the Unreal, a 15,000 page, handwritten tome that has yet to see print.

What is the shortest book written?

1. “Baby Shoes” by Hemingway. This is 20th-century American author Ernest Hemingway’s famous six-word story. You’ve probably heard of it.

What is the longest book ever published?

The longest novel ever published was written in the 1600s. It took up 13,095 pages spread over 10 volumes, with over two million words, and a French name which is the reason why we’re not even bothering to write it out for you.

What is the biggest book ever?

The largest pop-up book ever made measured 4 m (13 ft 1 in) by 3 m (9 ft 10 in) when closed. The book, entitled “My Word”, was completed on 6 September 2010 for a television commercial advertising Pearle Opticiens (Belgium).

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What is the longest book title ever?

The world’s longest book title is “The History of the Wars of New-England with the Eastern Indians, or a Narrative of Their Continued Perfidy and Cruelty, From the 10th of August, 1703, To the Peace renewed 13th of July, 1713, And from the 25th of July, 1722, To their Submission 15th December, 1725, Which was ratified August 5th, 1726m”.

What is the longest novel in English?

World’s longest novel is Nigel Tomm’s “The Blah Story.”. The first nine volumes of “The Blah Story” contain 3,277,153 words; 16,220,507 characters (with spaces); 6580 pages. It is the longest novel published in English literature/language.