
What is the life of a topper?

What is the life of a topper?

The life of a topper is not a bed of roses. They constantly have to stay on top and find it very difficult to make friends in a class where everyone is either jealous of them or wants to topple them over to become the next topper.

Do toppers get successful?

It is not uncommon to see many class toppers from school not become highly successful while many of those who were backbenchers get fly-high jobs. It is not uncommon to see many class toppers from school not become highly successful while many of those who were backbenchers get fly-high jobs.

How can I make my friendship stronger with my friend?

The following are 25 things to keep in mind to facilitate building stronger friendships. Choose friends wisely. You do not have to be everyone’s friend. Listen. Listen closely to what the other person is saying. Respond carefully. Think before you speak – especially if you are angry.

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How to spark a friendship with a girl?

Sparking a Friendship 1. Try to be in some of the same places. In order to become friends with a girl, you have to become familiar to her… 2. Interact with her. Okay, now that you both know who each other is and that you have a certain something in common,… 3. Lots of people are shy when it

How do I get a girl to make new friends?

She may love to have a new friend like you, but she might not make herself vulnerable and put it all out there on the line. Be bold and amp up the conversation. Ask her her opinions on things, questions about your classes/hobbies/mutual friends, and just keep the conversation going.

How do you choose your friends and family?

Choose to be friends with people who build you up, not tear you down. Choose friends who inspire you and welcome you, not alienate and insult you. You can’t choose the family you are born into, but you can choose your friends. Listen. Listen closely to what the other person is saying. Let that person know that you hear them.