
What is the harshest thing you can say to someone?

What is the harshest thing you can say to someone?

60 People Share The Most Soul-Crushingly Cruel Thing Anyone Ever Said To Them

  1. “You will end up alone.”
  2. “I wish you hadn’t failed.”
  3. “If I was your best friend I would have killed myself, too.”
  4. “I hope they never find your dad and I hope he’s dead.”
  5. “My life would be so much better if you were never born.”

Whats the worst thing u can say?

7 Things You Should Never Say to Someone

  1. 1. “ I don’t care”
  2. “You’re wrong” What they hear: “You are stupid.
  3. “You can’t do it” What they hear: “You don’t have what it takes to do it, no matter how hard you try; So why do you even try?”
  4. “This should be easy”
  5. “I told you so”
  6. “As I just said before…”
  7. “Good luck”
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What’s a word for bad things?

What is another word for bad things?

awful things dreadful things
misfortune mishaps
scourge tragedy
tribulations trouble
upheaval mischances

How do you not say bad things about people?

You might wonder, how do you say no and not feel bad about it? To answer that, you must first understand why people feel bad turning someone down….Here’s how you can effectively say no:

  1. Say it.
  2. Be assertive and courteous.
  3. Understand peoples’ tactics.
  4. Set boundaries.
  5. Put the question back on the person asking.
  6. Be firm.

What are some things you should never say to someone?

Here are 7 things you should never say to someone: 1. “I don’t care” What they hear: “Leave me alone. I have better things to do than listen to you.” Explain why you would love to hear about that subject, and why “right now” is not the best time for you.

Does being bad at one thing Make you Stupid?

Being bad at one thing doesn’t make you stupid. Instead of agonizing over your weaknesses, focus on developing your strengths and then use them as much as possible! The more you can do what you’re good at, the more confident you will become in yourself. 5. “No one will ever love me.” How could you possibly know that? Answer: you couldn’t.

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Is it bad to say hurtful things to someone who’s depressed?

For people who are dealing with depression, it can be very hurtful and harmful. When you’re caring for (and about) someone who is depressed, you may say hurtful things when you are feeling frustrated or worried. If you find yourself thinking “who cares?”

What should I avoid doing when talking to someone with depression?

Avoid making comparisons or staging a “competition” for who feels the worst. Doing so isn’t helpful and can make a person with depression feel that you’re minimizing their experience or not really listening to what they’re telling you.