Tips and tricks

What is the hardest year of highschool?

What is the hardest year of highschool?

junior year
While junior year is often the hardest year of high school, the transition from middle school to 9th grade can also be tough.

What are the advantages of going through senior high school?

1. SHS graduates are better equipped for work. For those who opted to study under the Technical-Vocational Track, they will be ready to apply for TESDA Certificates. Private companies are willing to accept graduates for immersion, (work and study experience), training, and hiring.

Why do teachers assign multiple grades for each course?

In some secondary schools, teachers have begun to assign multiple grades for each course in order to separate achievement grades from marks related to learning skills, work habits, or effort, but such practices are not widespread. Over the years, grading and reporting have remained favorite topics for researchers.

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Is there such a thing as best practice in grading?

Despite the many debates and multitudes of studies, however, prescriptions for best practice remain elusive. Although teachers generally try to develop grading policies that are honest and fair, strong evidence shows that their practices vary widely, even among those who teach at the same grade level within the same school.

Do teachers need grades and reporting forms?

Teachers do not need grades or reporting forms to teach well, and students can and do learn many things well without them. It must be recognized, therefore, that the primary purpose of grading and reporting is other than facilitation of teaching or learning.

Should Teachers accept excuses for poor performance?

Teachers should not accept excuses for poor performance, nor should they develop expectations based on ethnicity or family income or any other factor unrelated to student performance. What did we miss? Should You Build a Classroom Library?