Tips and tricks

What is the funniest Batman comic?

What is the funniest Batman comic?

Best Batman stories of all time

  • A Death in the Family (Starlin/Aparo, Batman #426-429)
  • Batman R.I.P.
  • Hush (Lee/Loeb, Batman #608-619)
  • The Man Who Laughs (Brubaker/Mahnke)
  • The Court of the Owls (Snyder/Capullo, Batman #1-11)
  • Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? (Gaiman/Kubert, Batman #686, Detective Comics #853)

Are Batman and Joker in love?

Contrary to what the others posted; no. They are not now, nor have ever been in love with each other. Joker does what he does because he wants to break Batman (or whoever he sets his sights on, but mainly the Dark Knight).

Why does the Joker not like Batman?

The Joker sees Batman as a purpose for him, Batman is the reason why the Joker does what he does. It is all a game to him, and without the Batman then there is no game to be played. The Joker most certainly loves Batman, he knows that without each other, each of them is nothing. The Joker doesn’t hate Batman.

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What is the best Batman comic to read?

The 15 Best Batman Comics You Need To Read

  • The Dark Knight Returns. Warner Bros.
  • Son of the Demon. DC Comics.
  • A Death in the Family. DC Comics.
  • The Killing Joke. DC Comics.
  • Arkham Asylum. DC Comics.
  • Batman/Judge Dredd: Judgment on Gotham. DC Comics.
  • Knightfall. DC Comics.
  • Batman Black and White. DC Comics.

Which Batman comic should I read first?

For new readers, the best place to start is the origin story. When you’re dealing with a character who’s been around as long as Batman with multiple variations of his origin, it can be tricky to find the best version. Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s recent New 52 run is a great starting point.

What is the Joker’s true name?

Jack Napier
The Joker, suddenly medicated and sane, was able to convince the GCPD that he was wrongfully imprisoned as he was beaten by a vigilante. He also reveals his real name: Jack Napier. Napier spends all of his efforts revealing how Batman’s false heroics actually only lead to creator corruption in Gotham City.

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Is this the best moment between Batman and the joker ever?

Yes, one of the best moments between the Joker and Batman happened when it wasn’t Bruce Wayne in the costume.

What is the funniest Batman moment of all time?

Possibly the funniest Batman moment of all time comes from the Zero Year story by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. Shortly after Bruce Wayne officially became the Batman in this retelling of his origins, he begins targeting the Red Hood Gang. A group of gang members is talking on a rooftop, but they start to go missing while talking.

Why are Batman comics so funny?

Batman uses fear, intimidation, and, at times, brutal violence as weapons against the criminal underworld of Gotham City. That’s why it may surprise some that Batman comics can be quite funny. There are plenty of genuinely hilarious moments from the history of Batman.

Who is Batman’s greatest enemy?

Dennis O’Neil & Neal Adams’ “Joker’s Five Way Revenge” created the modern Joker: a gleefully sadistic murderer who was unquestionably Batman’s greatest enemy. The most important scene is when the Joker gets the drop on Batman and knocks him unconscious.