What is the first word processor before Microsoft Word?

What is the first word processor before Microsoft Word?

Released in 1979 by Micropro International, WordStar was the first commercially successful word processing software program produced for microcomputers. It became the best-selling software program of the early 1980s.

What is a predecessor of a word processor?

Word processors are descended from the Friden Flexowriter, which had two punched tape stations and permitted switching from one to the other (thus enabling what was called the “chain” or “form letter”, one tape containing names and addresses, and the other the body of the letter to be sent).

What did word processing replace?

PCs began to replace typewriters and word processors in offices throughout the world. For your average everyday typist, word processing on a PC was infinitely easier. No longer did you have to manually insert a carriage return at the end of a line as the software automatically moved on.

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When was the word processor first used?

According to Harry Henderson, in his book titled ‘Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology’, IBM is believed to have coined the term ‘word processor’ in the 1960s. It was used to refer to a system consisting of a Selectric typewriter with a magnetic tape storage.

What was the first word processing program used in 1979?

WordStar, one of the first commercially successful word processing software programs for personal computers, is released by Micropro International. July 1, 1979 — The first Sony Walkman is sold.

What are 2 examples of word processing applications?

One example of a Word Processor is Microsoft Word, but other word processing applications are also widely used. Examples include: Microsoft Works Word Processor, Open Office Writer, Word Perfect and Google Drive Document.. but certainly not limited to) reports, letters, memos, newsletters and brochures.

What is history of word processing?

The history of word processing is the story of the gradual automation of the physical aspects of writing and editing, and the refinement of the technology to make it available to individual and corporate users.

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When did Microsoft develop its first word processing software?

Microsoft Word, word-processor software launched in 1983 by the Microsoft Corporation. Software developers Richard Brodie and Charles Simonyi joined the Microsoft team in 1981, and in 1983 they released Multi-Tool Word for computers that ran a version of the UNIX operating system (OS).