
What is the difference between I have worked and I have been working?

What is the difference between I have worked and I have been working?

Both sentences mean the same thing: the action of working started at some specified point in the past and is still going on today. The only difference is that there is more emphasis on the duration of the action in the latter, where the present perfect continuous is used.

Has been working Which tense?

Navalar, ‘I have been working’ is a present perfect continuous tense and ‘I have been worked’ is a present perfect tense. The former indicates that the subject has started the work in a certain time in the past and the subject is still doing that work when he/she expresses this.

How do you use you’ve been?

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Starts here14:12HAVE BEEN / HAS BEEN / HAD BEEN – Complete English GrammarYouTube

Has been working in a sentence?

Present perfect tense is employed in sentences describing some experience from the past. 1st sentence ” I have been working here for 20 years” is present perfect progressive. It means you are currently working there for past 20 years i.e. from 1993-2013(current year).

Can I say started working?

You either have started or have not started working. “If you report to work today, you say ” I started working today. I have just started work.

Did you start Have you started?

The correct answer is “did you start”.

What is freelancer and how does it work? is a marketplace of ideas, skills, and talents where anyone can work on what they love. The website has been up and running for about six years now and it has since launched many products and features to help both employers and freelancers get work done.

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Is freelancing the right choice for me?

To know more about my experience on freelancing, do check out this video. Some people find it more fulfilling to work for a company, while others want to work independently. Working as a freelancer may be the right choice for individuals who prefer to work with many different clients and create their own schedules.

Should you use your spare time to work on freelance projects?

If your job isn’t taking too many hours out of your day, you can use your spare time to work on freelance projects. It’s a win-win situation: you get to keep your job and your benefits, and you can find potential clients for freelance work from your network of acquaintances.

How to start a freelance business?

It is a quick way to start your business. To make it more profitable, you can look for a niche within your field. There are many websites where freelancers offer their services at a low cost. To distinguish yourself from the competition, you should try to find a type of client or industry that values quality.